International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor

General Information

History and Purpose

The International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) was founded at Penn State University on August 30, 1973 to promote the study of all areas of biomechanics at the international level. The ISB promotes and supports international contacts amongst scientists, the dissemination of knowledge, and the activities of national organizations in the field of biomechanics. The ISB has a broad view of the science and application of biomechanics, believing that biomechanics has a major role in the study of all biological systems, from the level of the whole organism down to molecular size scales. Therefore, the Society's membership includes scientists from a large variety of disciplines including anatomy, physiology, engineering (biomedical, mechanical, mechatronics, etc.), orthopedics, rehabilitation medicine, sports science, sports medicine, ergonomics, electrophysiological kinesiology and others.

Since its founding the ISB has grown to a membership of well over 2,000 people (half of these student members). The Society provides for affiliate membership of 21 national biomechanics organizations. The Society also supports technical and working groups for the purpose of advancing knowledge in specialized areas within the field of biomechanics. Currently active technical sections include 3-D Analysis of Human MovementTechnical Group on Computer Simulation (TGCS)Footwear Biomechanics Group
International Shoulder GroupHand and Wrist Biomechanics International, and the Motor Control Group. The newest working group to join ISB is the Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics (CNB) group.

The ISB is involved in many activties to promote biomehanics internationally. These activities include the organization of biennial ISB-international congresses, publication of congress proceedings and a biomechanics monograph series, distribution of a quarterly newsletter (ISBNow), and sponsorship of scientific meetings related to biomechanics. The ISB is affiliated with the Journal of Biomechanics, the Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics, the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, and Gait and Posture. The Society also has a major Internet presence with the ISB on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as sponsoring the Biomechanics Forum, Biomch-l.

The major activity of the Society is the organization and conduct of its biennial International Congress on Biomechanics. This provides a unique opportunity for participants to gain an understanding of the current status of the field and make valuable personal and professional contacts. To promote international development of the field, congresses are held in different countries. The recent congresses were held in Glasgow, Brisbane, and Calgary, with the next meeting to be held in Stockholm. The Proceedings and Books of Abstracts from these biennial congresses, as well as the separately published Keynote and Award-winning papers, are a valuable contribution to research literature and also serve to document the progress of the field of biomechanics. Recent ISB Congress proceedings back until 2001, with some Keynotes and Tutorials, are freely available online.

Sponsorship and Related Scientific Meetings

The ISB supports other scientific meetings concerned with biomechanics by serving as an official sponsor, or organising and sponsoring thematic sessions. In this capacity, the Society helps with dissemination of information and promotion of the meetings, encourages members to participate and assists with the planning and organization upon request. The ISB also sponsors and organizes various activities in Economically Developing Countries, including lecture tours and training.

Society Awards

The Society promotes excellence in biomechanics research by presenting a number of Awards at its Congresses. These include the Muybridge Award (the Society's highest honor for outstanding contributions to biomechanics), the Wartenweiler Memorial Lectureship (named after the Society's first President), the David Winter Young Investigator Awards, the Clinical Biomechanics Award, the Clinical Biomechanics Award, the Promising Scientist Award, the Carlo de Luca Emerging Scientist Award, the ISB World Athletics Award for Biomechanics, and the Jaqueline Perry Emerging Female Scientist Award. The Society also promotes scholarship through its Educational Programs at Congresses, its Promising Young Scientist Travel Grants scheme, whereby a member is funded to travel to another continent to further a research project, and a range of Student Grants-in-Aid of Research and for Congress attendance.

Benefits of Membership

  • Reduced Journal Subscription Rates.
  • Reduced Registration Fees at ISB Congresses and those of Affiliate Societies.
  • Opportunity to form international contacts and participate in technical and working groups of the Society.
  • Special Student Discounts and Grants-in-Aid.
  • Congressional Awards and Traveling Scholarships.
  • Unrestricted access to the ISB website, including previous Keynote and Tutorials from ISB meetings.

Membership Application Procedure

Go to the Membership section of this website. Membership dues and subscription fees can be paid by either (i) a credit card debit authorization, or (ii) a cheque or money order in Australian dollars and drawn on an Australian Bank.

Executive Council

The ISB is governed by its Executive Council composed of the officers and council members who are elected by mail ballot for two year terms. They represent countries from throughout the world and various scientific areas within biomechanics. The council, which meets annually, provides leadership for the continued development of the Society. Many on-going activities are performed by Council appointed sub-committees such as publications, standards and terminology, award nominations, and others. The quarterly Newsletter serves to inform the members of current and future events and developments.

Please contact any member of the Executive Council via our webmaster for further information