International Society of Biomechanics
Silver sponsor
Journal of Applied Biomechanics

Jacquelin Perry Emerging Female Scientist Award

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Proudly sponsored by the International Society of Biomechanics

The Jacquelin Perry Emerging Scientist Award is in honor of Professor Jacqulin Perry and her pioneering contribution to the science and application of biomechanics, in particular in the area of gait analysis and rehabilitation. The award is designed to acknowledge female researchers who have performed superior biomechanics research early in their career. It entails a certificate and a monetary award of $5000 USD for scientific purposes, such as visiting another research group to collaborate on a project. The competition is held each year in which there is an ISB-conference. The winner of the award is expected to give an oral presentation of the recent studies that have contributed to the award at the ISB congress of the same year.

Requirements: To be eligible for the award, a candidate must (1) be a female member of the ISB, (2) be post-doctoral but not more than 5 years. Each candidate must submit 1) a full curriculum vitae ,2) PDF copies of at least two first author full articles in peer reviewed scientific journals that they have written in a single area of Biomechanics, and 3) interpretative summaries describing the contribution(s) to the field for each article.


Winners of the Jacquelin Perry Emerging Female Scientist Award:
2023 Janet Zhang-Lea (USA) One Size Cannot Fit All: Variations in Running Biomechanics Associate with Runner's Demographics, Running Experience, and DIsability Level
 2021 Taylor Dick (Australia)  Series elasticity facilitates safe plantarflexor muscle-tendon shock absorption during perturbed human hopping