International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Available Student Grants

The following grants are accepting applications for 2019-2020 deadlines:

  1. Matching Dissertation Grant (due Dec 16, 2019). This program is applicable to those who are doctoral candidates and are seeking assistance with costs of their dissertation research
  2. The International Travel Grant program (ITG) (due Dec 16, 2019 & May 29th 2020). In order to allow student members to travel abroad to experience science in other countries and cultures, and to build up international collaborations we will offer several grants of up to $US2500 for travel related to biomechanics research.
  3. Technical Group Meeting Travel Grant (due Feb 28, 2020). This grant is offered to the student members of the ISB attending the affiliated Technical Group meetings. Applications are being accepted in 2020 for the travel to the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement (3DAHM) July 12-15, 2020 at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.
  4. The International Affiliate Development Grant program (due Dec 16th, 2019) Open to student biomechanists from low income or restricted currency countries to enable them to spend time in an approved, established biomechanics laboratory or to attend a relevant, approved training course.

More details are available at