International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


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Footwear Biomechanics Symposium 2019

The 14th Biennial Footwear Biomechanics Symposium saw a record 285 delegates assemble at the prestigious Kananaskis Resort at the base of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.  The organising team of Brent Edwards, Sandro Nigg, Anja-Verena Behling and Bill Wannop are thanked and congratulated for developing such a strong conference programme, with 120 high quality presentations over three days, including keynotes from Thor Besier, Breanne Everett, Richard Kent and Rodger Kram.  Five additional invited presentations from academic and industry-based speakers, highlighted the strong integration of science and industry in the footwear science field. 

New for this conference was presentation of the inaugural FBG Career Excellence Award to Dr E.C. (Ned) Frederick, recognising outstanding lifetime contributions to footwear science.  Congratulations to Ned!    

Student travel grants were awarded for the first time this year, with recipients Pieter Van den Berghe (Ghent University, supervisor Dirk de Clercq) and Ethan Steiner (University of Massachusetts, supervisor Katherine Boyer).

Conference award winners:

Young Investigator Award - Senne Bonnaerens, Ghent University, Belgium ‘Running profiles of recreational distance runners: race, training, spatiotemporal and anthropometrical characteristics’

Innovation Award - Abhishektha Boppana, University of Colorado, USA ‘Using dynamic foot morphology data to design spacesuit footwear’

Applied Research Award - Michael Ryan, Simon Fraser University, Canada ‘The run alternate study: examining the effect of training and footwear variability in the prevention of running pain and injuries’

Methods Award - Emily Matijevich, Vanderbilt University, USA ‘Ground reaction forces don’t indicate tibial forces: implications for injury prevention, shoe design & wearable tech’

Basic Research Award - Annamária Péter, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland ‘Effect of footwear on plantar flexor fine-wire electromyography activity in walking’

We would like to thank the symposium sponsors: University of Calgary: Faculty of Kinesiology, Nike, Brooks, Novel, Xsensor, Gaitup, Fila, Li-Ning, Mizuno, Salomon and Under Armour.

The next Footwear Biomechanics Symposium will take place in Visby, Sweden in 2021.  In the interim, there will be a FBG session as part of the iFAB 2020 meeting in Brazil. 


Footwear Biomechanics Group – Executive Board 2019-2021

The FBG AGM took place on 30th July 2019.  Following elections in June 2019, the following board members are confirmed for the term 2019-2021:

Chairperson - Sharon Dixon (University of Exeter, UK)

Chairperson Elect – Kathryn Mills (Macquarie University, Australia)

Past-Chairperson - Helen Woo (Under Armour, USA)

Secretary General - Karen Mickle (Victoria University, Australia)

Treasurer - Jay Worobets (Nike, USA)

Industry Representative – Matt Trudeau (Brooks, USA)

Student Representative - Anja-Verena Behling (University of Calgary, Canada)

Informatics Officer – Zachary Barrons (University of Calgary, Canada)

Awards Officer - Bill Wannop (University of Calgary, Canada)

Outgoing Past-Chair - Wolfgang Potthast (German Sport University, Cologne) - was thanked for his service to the group over the past 6 years.