International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Announcing the new ISG Board and ISG 2020 Meeting!

A new board for ISG was elected in 2019, announced at ISB in Calgary:

  • Clark Dickerson, University of Waterloo, Canada (chair, returning)
  • Gretchen Oliver, Auburn University, USA (returning)
  • Katherine Saul, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Stefan van Drongelen, Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Friedrichsheim, Germany (returning)
  • Meghan Vidt, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • Martin Warner, University of Southampton, UK

Please feel free to contact any board member with ISG-related questions.

Also announced at ISB is our 2020 Meeting in Delft, Netherlands. A website is now up and running with further details, though a brief summary is included below:


Location: The conference will be held at the Delft Science Centre on the Delft Technical University campus in Delft, Netherlands

Dates of conference: August 26-28, 2020

Important deadlines:

January 1, 2020          Call for abstracts open

April 1, 2020                Deadline for abstract submissions

May 1, 2020                Authors to be notified of acceptance

Organizers: Prof. DirkJan Veeger and Prof. Frans van der Helm, Delft University

Finally, to sign up for updates from ISG, please join our mailing list at: