International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor



I hope that everyone is having a great Summer (or Winter for southern hempisphere) and enjoying life slowing down a bit over the last few months. Much has taken place over the past couple months and I have abundant optimism that all of you are doing well and staying safe!

The call for abstracts for ISB 2021 has opened!! I hope you all are as excited as I am for this upcoming conference! The abstract submission will be open until January 31, 2021, so let’s all get working on new, fun, interesting research ideas! J  If you would like to discuss some potential ideas or have any further questions regarding the abstract submission process, please send me an email, message me on Facebook or Twitter, and I will help you out!

We have some great ideas for both the student event at ISB 2021 and the mentoring event! Be on the lookout for more information as the date gets closer! I cannot wait to see all of you in Stockholm!

Get ready for ISB 2021 in Stockholm!

isb stockholm image



July 12th-14th, 2020: International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology (Virtual Conference)

August 4th-7th, 2020: American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference (Virtual Conference)



For any and all graduate positions and employment, remember to stay up to date with Biomch-L.

Here is the link:


Biomechanics on our Minds (BOOM) Podcast


  • Episode 28: Chimps and Modelling and Peer Review, Oh My!
  • Episode 27: These Women were Made for Walking
  • Episode 26: Good Research and Internationalization


megan stewartSocial Media

Be sure to keep up to date with ISB by liking our ISB Facebook Page, joining the Student Members Facebook Page, and following ISB on Twitter. Please reach out to me with any comments, questions, suggestions, or just to talk. You can contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Best Wishes,

Megan Stewart (ISB Student Representative)