International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Hello! A quick note from your education officers here Hannah and Jacqueline.


ISB Stockholm tutorial and keynote videos

We are in the process of updating the website with the tutorial and keynote presentations from ISB Stockholm which should be available to you all shortly so stay tuned and keep an eye out.

ISB teaching resources repository

We are also considering establishing an ISB teaching resources repository where members can share and find teaching materials and other content that will be a valuable go to for the broader biomechanics community – especially during these “online” times. We are seeking some early expressions of interest from members interested in contributing  this project or even just to point us in the direction of some great content that’s already online. We are especially keen to hear from other affiliated societies and groups who may also be working on their own initiatives,  and who would like to collaborate with ISB or are keen for ISB to amplify their work. Please touch base with Hannah if that’s you at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We want to hear from you!

In addition to the above, we would really love to hear from you – our membership, about what things you feel you would most benefit from in the education space. Please look out for a poll that we will be running through social media channels soon. If that’s not your thing, but you have opinions, then please send them through to Jacqueline at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Have a restful and happy holiday season all,

Hannah Rice (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences) & Jacqueline Alderson (University of Western Australia)