International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Hellenic Society of Biomechanics

We have established a new award. The HSB Thesis Award is geared towards graduate and undergraduate students and intended to intensify their active participation in the community. It will be presented to the winner, during our (upcoming) 9th Conference.

We have also started a collaboration with Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Biomechanics section), to support our conference and increase its visibility.

Concerning our biannual conference, it was postponed to 2022 and the corresponding web-link and information will be announced soon. The following 2 plenary speakers have already agreed to attend:

  • Prof. Walter Herzog, Faculty of Kinesiology at University of Calgary and
  • Prof. Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Head of the Institute of Biomechanics at Graz University of Technology

Contributed by Alexander Tsouknidas