International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


As part of it’s mission to promote biomechanics and encourage international collaborations among scientists in the field the ISB supports several student grant opportunities.  There are three grant opportunities with upcoming deadlines on December 16th, 2021.  These are the Matching Dissertation grant, the International Travel grant and the International Affiliate Development grant.  September is the perfect time to start planning if you are interested in applying for any of these opportunities. 

The Matching Dissertation grant is open to all doctoral students with the goal of providing financial support for the completion of their proposed project. This grant does require a student with their advisor to identify a matching source of funding.  There are many possible sources for matching funds and not all institutions or departments advertise these widely so before you discount the opportunity it’s wise to ask around.     

The International Travel grant is open to any ISB student member to travel abroad experience science in another country.  Typical visits are 4 -6 weeks in length and a relevant and feasible project to be completed in that time needs to be defined. Now is the time to start dreaming of where you’d love to travel after 17 or 18 months of lockdowns, travel restrictions, research shut-downs and virtual meetings. Finding a place to visit might feel intimidating but start with a conversation with your advisor about what skills you are interested in learning and parts of the world you’d like to visit. You might be surprised to learn of how many ISB friends and collaborators they have and they may be able to set up an initial email conversation about a possible visit somewhere.  You can also browse through the ISB member directory on the ISB website.  Did you know that Full members can add a mentor status (e.g. available/not available) and primary interests to their profile (hint, hint, to any mentors reading this)? 

The International Affiliate Development grant is open to students from low income or restricted currency countries to enable them to spend time in an established biomechanics lab o attend a relevant training course.  Unlike the International Travel grant a project does not need to be defined in detail.  For the IADG, the student should outline the learning objectives of the visit, their career objective and how the newly acquires skills or training opportunity will help them achieve their career goals. Interested students may also reach out to the Student Awards Officer, Katherine Boyer with any questions.  To identify a potential visiting lab, student should begin with a conversation with their advisor.  In addition, students can browse through the ISB member directory on the ISB website to identify ISB member labs that may be open to hosting students.  

Check all details and prepare you application