Dear All,
After completing the official ISB congress bidding process in 2018, Stockholm was chosen to host the XVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 2021.
The first ever completely digital ISB Congress was, besides being well-attended, successfully organised and executed. The congress was, however, in no way hosted in Stockholm, as delegates did not visit the city and the scientific content was not presented in the city. The ISB Executive Council, therefore organised an extraordinary meeting in autumn 2021 and decided that Stockholm will be the host for the XXX Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, ISB2025.
This is amazing for us from GIH, KTH and KI in Stockholm! We can’t wait to invite you to Stockholm in a few years.
After our successful digital congress this year, we are completely prepared for all situations to make sure that you will have the best possible congress experience.
Toni Arndt | Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik | Li Felländer-Tsai |
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Karolinska Insitutet |