International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Dear Friends of National Biomechanics Day, 

Ready…set…go! NBD 2022 registration is officially open on our website. Please hop, skip or jump to the site, enter your lab or facility and get excited about participating in the longest running, world-wide, synchronized celebration of biomechanics. We celebrate biomechanics by showing high school students our fabulous field with the intent of making biomechanics the breakthrough science of the 21st century. We kid you not and we can do this with our unified, enthusiastic participation. Invite high schoolers to your lab, show them cool biomechanics science, and enjoy the day with your staff, students and visitors. Remember, NBD has without doubt more smiles on more faces in more biomechanics labs than any other day. Just take a peek at previous NBDs to see the thrills.

We have reached over 32,000 students in 31 countries since 2016. Let’s double that this year!

We will shortly also announce our grant programs for NBD2022 with the focus on increasing diversity and equity in our field. Grants will provide funds for your NBD events and also for registration and travel costs to various biomechanics conferences. We will continue supporting underserved populations and this year will add new programs for the Latinx and disabled communities. 

We also recognize that NBD 2022 will be a combination of live and virtual events. Live events are well described in our archives, linked above, and virtual events at our NBD-2021 page. We also provide practical and philosophical support and guidance to creating a successful event. 

NBD 2022 will be fun, exciting, and enjoyable science-outreach for everyone. In fact, our theme has always been, Science Meets Fun on National Biomechanics Day. We enthusiastically invite you to participate in NBD 2022 on or around April 6, 2022**. We are ever so grateful for your interest and participation in National Biomechanics Day. 


Paul DeVita, Ph.D.

Founder and Director, National Biomechanics Day


**While April 6th is our target date, feel free to hold your event on any other date that works best for you.