International Travel Grant Report - Marcos R Kunzler
The ISB granted me as a PhD student an International Travel Grant to visit the Biomechanics Laboratory at University of Valencia in Spain. The COVID19 pandemic changed the planning about the travel period. After some delays and reescheduling, I was finally able to go from Brazil to Spain in early 2022 and the 40-days study trip was a success.
The main goal of applying for the travel grant was the opportunity to receive funding that would allow me to visit a laboratory abroad and learn new things in the field of biomechanics, meet different cultures, meet new people, new researchers and scientific possibilities. The ISB student grants program has helped strengthening the connections between our research group in Brazil and the Spanish group for collaborations, publication of papers and submitting abstracts for congresses in the field of ​​Biomechanics.
During the research visit, the activities I developed included:
1. Attendance of the routine of the laboratory of biomechanics of the physical activity and sport faculty, at the University of Valencia, under supervision of Dr. Jose Priego Quesada;
2. Participation in practical undergraduate classes in the biomechanics laboratory that included measures of thermography, kinetics and accelerometry;
3. Visit to different laboratories in the faculty, incuding exercise physiology and sports performance laboratories;
4. Data collection for a collaborative research between the Brazilin and Spanish groups;
5. Participation in a research project involving biomechanics and spinal cord injury;
6. Participation in experiments to evaluate the effect of compression on biomechanical parameters of running;
Finally, I want to thank the ISB for granting the international travel grant, and for all the work developed for the students of biomechanics, my supervisor Dr. Felipe P Carpes for his encouragement and help in preparing the proposal, and for the host professor Dr. Jose Priego Quesada and other professors and students from the Research Group in Biomechanics Applied to Sports (GIBD) for receiving me at the University of Valencia and providing all the support during my short stay. I am sure that this experience will make a difference in my future inside and outside the university. I will now work to encourage more students to apply for these grants and have opportunities abroad, visualizing new perspectives and boosting the desire to learn more about biomechanics.
Marcos Roberto Kunzler