International Society of Biomechanics
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ISB 50 years logo



Celebrations of ISB 50 years anniversary are starting. Over the next months and until our meeting in Fukuoka 2023, this section will highlight the main activities ISB is promoting to celebrated this milestone! MAke sure you favorite this link to keep up to date to the activities!


ISB session at WCB 2022 July 2022! 

joint the event

Do not miss these special sessions by ISB at the WCB 2022. We will soon deliver more information about days and time for the activities. For now, take a look at the program!

ISB 50 years of international biomechanics: contributions to basic and applied science

Evolution of knowledge in muscle mechanics: molecular mechanisms of contraction

by Walter Herzog

Past, present, and future: 50 years of discoveries into in vivo whole muscle mechanics.

by Taylor JM Dick

Performance enhancing shoes – are they cheating? Rules and biomechanics

by Toni Arndt

The use of running footwear among elite marathon athletes during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games – the last Games with the ‘super shoe’?

by Kai Wang

ISB 50 years of international biomechanics: contributions to instruments and techniques

Advances in Gait Analysis: Moving Forwards by Looking Backwards

by Brian L. Davis

The future of movement analysis: Bridging disciplines to improve access, adherence, and analysis of mobile biomechanical tools

by Melissa A. Boswell

The History of Contemporary Neuromusculoskeletal Biomechanical Modelling

by David Lloyd

The Future of Contemporary Neuromusculoskeletal Biomechanical Modelling

by Luca Modenese


ISB 50 years at ECSS

The International Society of Biomechanics goes ECSS! During this year’s conference of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) in Sevilla (Spain), ISB will hold a special session entitled “50 years of ISB – a lifelong connection with sports”. The session will inform about why and how biomechanics are linked to sports and addresses especially young researchers with an interest in biomechanics and sport science. Once the program is finalized, more information will be launched.

more activities coming soon!