International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor

September 2023

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In my first article as ISB President I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and support, and I would like to warmly welcome the new ISB Council to their roles. The elected and appointed ISB Council for 2023-25 are as follows.


Elizabeth Clarke, President, Australia

Alberto Leardini, Past President, Italy,

Felipe Carpes, President Elect, Brazil

Brent Edwards, Secretary General, Canada

Shaye Tiell, Student Representative, USA

Katherine Boyer, Awards Officer, USA

Taylor Dick, Awards Officer, Australia

Jennifer Shin, Affiliate Societies Officer, South Korea

Daniel Hahn, Economically Developing Countries (EDC) Officer, Germany

Hannah Rice, Education Officer, Norway

Jonas Rubenson, Informatics Officer, USA

Heiliane de Brito Fontana, Publications Officer, Brazil

Luke Kelly, Sponsorship Officer, Australia

Erica Bell, Student Awards Officer, USA

Yumna Albertus, Technical Groups Officer, South Africa

Andrew Cresswell, Treasurer, Australia

John Challis, Archives Officer (Appointed), USA

Hiro Hobara, Social Media Representative (Appointed), Japan

Obinna Fidelis, Representative for Africa (Appointed), Nigeria

Tung-Wu Lu, Representative for Asia (Appointed), Taiwan

Felipe Carpes, Representative for South America (Appointed), Brazil

Link to the council in the ISB website


We are all enthusiastically settling into our roles and starting to discuss initiatives. Some of the activities that we are currently discussing include updating the functionality and appearance of the ISB website, updating sponsorship offerings, additional EDC and education activities, updating the conference hosting documents, introducing an equity and diversity initiative, and documenting a strategic plan and financial plan for the society. I will provide updates on these activities, and others that arise, as we make progress.


I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new ISB Affiliate Society – International Women in Biomechanics (IWB) - and our new ISB Technical Group – Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics (CNB). It has been a great pleasure for me to support both groups in making their applications to ISB, and I’m happy to report that ISB have updated our Affiliate Society codes to be inclusive of a wider range of Affiliate Societies, in addition to those based on geography.


Likewise, we are currently undertaking a review of the conference hosting documents to improve clarity and transparency in the process of bidding for, and hosting/organising the conference. If you are bidding to host the 2027 ISB Conference, please reach out to Felipe Carpes or myself before making your submission, to ensure you are using the updated documents.


I’ll finish by thanking the Fukuoka 2023 conference organising committee – what a great conference and a great city, and it was wonderful to see so many friends and colleagues again in person after 4 years.


Elizabeth Clarke

ISB President 


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For those of you who I have not had the opportunity to meet yet, my name is Shaye Tiell and I am your new Student Representative. I am very excited to help lead, guide, and serve you all over the next two years.

It was great to see so many new and old faces in person at ISB this past July! What an incredible experience that was for all who were able to attend. Anja-Verena Behling did an amazing job coordinating such positive student events in Fukuoka. The Student-Mentor Lunch and Student-Night Out (sponsored by Vicon Motion Systems) were both huge successes!


Get ready for ISB 2025 in Stockholm!

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The 30th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics

27 – 31 July 2025

Visit the website.


Science in the Break (SitB)

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Are you interested in participating?

Did we miss a topic you would like to chat about?

Do you want to learn how to interview people or edit videos professionally?

Reach out to us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Twitter (@ISBiomechanics and @ScilnTheBreak). We are always excited to connect with passionate students – we look forward to chatting with you and sharing your experiences/research with the community!



Biomechanics On Our Minds (BOOM)

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Hosted by Melissa Boswell, PhD,

and Hannah O’Day, PhD.

Be sure to listen to the latest BOOM podcasts!

  • Episode 69: Biomechanics On Our Minds Forever
  • Episode 68: Choose the Impossible | Olympic Gold Medalist Jenn Heil
  • Episode 67: The Human Performance Series Part 3 | Satchin Panda
  • Episode 66: The Human Performance Series Part 2 | NiCole Keith
  • Episode 65: The Human Performance Series Part 1 | Caroline Kryder


Keep in touch!

Stay up to date with ISB by liking our ISB Facebook page, joining the Student Members Facebook page, and following ISB on Twitter. Please reach out to me with any comments, questions, suggestions, or just to talk. You can contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Best Wishes,

Shaye Tiell

ISB Student Representative:


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Here, you will uncover historical information about the society. Enjoy these nuggets curated by John Challis, our Archives Officer. 


“In 1973, the Fourth International Seminar on Biomechanics was held on the University Park campus of the Pennsylvania State University.  It was at that meeting that the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) was founded.  Part of the conference activities was a golf tournament.  The photo shows ISB Honorary member and longtime treasurer Dewey Morehouse presenting an award to Doris Miller, first female member of the ISB Council and also an ISB Honorary member, for completing a round of golf with the most number of strokes


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Welcome IWB (International Women in Biomechanics), a new affiliate society of ISB!


We are excited to welcome IWB as our new affiliate society of ISB.

Here is a message from IWB.

“IWB is thrilled to be an Affiliate Society of the ISB. We are grateful for the support provided by ISB’s Affiliate Societies Officer, Jennifer Shin, and ISB’s President, Liz Clarke, throughout the application process, and we thank the membership of ISB for voting in favor at the recent AGM in Japan.

The IWB community represents women and historically underrepresented genders in the scientific field of biomechanics around the world, focused on providing a platform for building relationships, sharing resources, and elevating visibility of the work and efforts of women in biomechanics. Over 700 people have joined the IWB community since its inception in July 2020. Our members are from over 300 universities/organizations and 33 countries, ranging in career stage from students to senior academic and industry professionals.

 With great overlap between our international communities, we envision advantages in cross-advertising of events, activities, resources, and other announcements. We look forward to working with the ISB to continue to advance the carriers and science of women and underrepresented genders in our field.

To learn more about IWB, please visit our new website:


Important Update to the Code of Conduct for ISB Affiliate Societies

A significant change has been made in the code of conduct of the affiliate societies of the International Society of Bimechanics (ISB) this year. This update expands our community by welcoming all different forms of societies, moving beyond the previous restriction to only regional or national societies.


Key Changes in the Updated Code of Conduct


Inclusivity: Our updated code is now inclusive of all forms of societies, including those not based on nations or regions. This ensures a broader representation and participation, enhancing the global reach of our initiatives.


New Benefits for Affiliate Societies: The newly updated benefits for ISB affiliate societies include biennial financial support for:

Plenary Speaker Invitation & Young Investigator Award at their major conferences (See details for the code). Alternative funding usage may also be considered by ISB if they are more tailored to the unique needs of the affiliate society.


Apply Now!

We warmly invite new affiliate membership applications and encourage current members to engage more actively in our community. Applications submitted from now until April 2025 will be considered in the upcoming council meeting and general assembly in Stockholm, Sweden in 2025.

The updated version of the code of conduct will soon be available on our website for everyone to review. We believe these changes reflect our continued commitment to supporting scientific collaboration, inclusivity, and excellence.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us (Jennifer Shin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)).

We look forward to welcoming new members and deepening our collaboration with existing affiliate societies.


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 Objectives and Brief History

The goal of the ISB Technical Group in Motor Control is to provide a forum to highlight and foster the increased interest in scientific work that bridges the fields of Motor Control and Biomechanics. The Motor Control Technical Group was established as a Seed Group affiliated with the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) at the XXIV Congress of ISB in Natal (Brazil), in 2013. It was recognized as a Working Group of ISB at the XXV Congress of ISB in Glasgow in 2015; and as a Technical Group of ISB at the 2019 ISB/ASB Congress in Calgary, Canada.


 Board Members and Advisors

Executive Board Members: Professor Jim Richards (Chairperson), University of Central Lancashire, UK; Professor Walter Herzog (Secretary General), University of Calgary, Canada; Associate Professor Matt S. Stock (Vice Chairperson), University of Central Florida, USA.

Advisors: Dr Paola Contessa, Padua University Hospital, Italy; Professor Patria Hume, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; Professor Jean-Benoit Morin, Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France; Dr Archit Navandar, Aspire Academy, Qatar.


 Main Recent Activities

Professor Jim Richards from the University of Central Lancashire and the current Chair of the Motor Control Technical Group presented a report on the recently developed activities:


We sincerely thank all the members of the ISB Executive Council for their continuous support and recognition, in particular Technical Groups Officer Tung-Wu and we look forward to continuing to work towards bridging the fields of Motor Control and Biomechanics.

Committee members were changed/re-elected through online voting and confirmed in August 2022. These will next be re-considered in 2026.

Gender Balance and EDI: We will continue to pay particular attention to the representation of female speakers and to attracting junior investigators and students, and wider equality, diversity and inclusion that ensures fair treatment and opportunities for all, with the aim of eliminating prejudice and discrimination based on individual’s protected characteristics.

2023 has seen a presence of the ISB MCG at various conferences and symposia at scientific meetings and other educational events to raise awareness of the importance of biomechanics and the activities of ISB. The main events with significant presence are highlighted below.


Symposium at the 2023 Brazilian Society for Biomechanics Conference

This symposium was on the topic of Neuromechanics and the relationship between brain activity and movement control. Chaired by Walter Herzog held in conjunction with the XX Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics. This event was a pre-conference symposium held on April 18th, 2023 at 11:30–14:00, São Paulo State University, Brazil.

This symposium brought together established researchers and junior investigators with an interest in Motor Control and Biomechanics to discuss Motor Control concepts in Biomechanics for a wide range of applications including Robotics, Rehabilitation, Kinesiology, Modeling, Sport Science, and more.

Researchers and students with an interest in Biomechanics and Motor Control attended. Participants had the opportunity to hear about the latest developments in these fields and discuss with experienced investigators including:

  • Steve Scott from (keynote speaker) – Queens University, Canada
  • Gabriela Castellano (support. ng speaker) – Unicamp University, Sao Paulo
  • Alexandre Hideki Okano (supporting speaker) – UFABC University Sao Paulo
  • Walter Herzog (Session Chair) – University of Calgary, Canada


 ISB/JSB Motor Control Technical Group Symposium in Fukuoka, Japan, 30 July-03 August 2023)

This 90 minute symposium includes a 30 min keynote talk and 6 oral presentations selected from submitted abstracts to ISB/JSB 2023. This will cover advancements in the understanding of human movement through an integrated approach that includes both the study of the organization of the nervous system and the biomechanical properties of the musculoskeletal system. This symposium will highlight novel scientific work that bridges elements of motor control and biomechanics to facilitate and encourage an integrated approach to the study of human movement. This symposium will include talks on the development of musculoskeletal models of muscle function, the interaction between muscle activity and cerebral dynamics in the brain, coordination and modelling of impairment, and the modulation of mechanical and reflexive responses to perturbations.


  • Yasuharu Koike (Keynote). Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. “Development of a musculoskeletal model that estimates muscle tension from electromyography, joint torque, impedance, and equilibrium position”.
  • Le Li. Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. “Interaction analysis between sEMG signals and cerebral dynamics in brain regions during isometric contraction of elbow joint.”
  • Daniel Koska. Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. “Does a foot-eye coordination variable add value to the prediction of mild cognitive impairment?”
  • Dana Lorenz. Cleveland State University, USA. “Reflex modulation during gait with mechanical perturbations.”
  • Jessica L. Allen. University of Florida. “Embedding the control of balance into the muscle coordination for walking is associated with better walking function”.
  • Miriam Febrer Nafria. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. “Modelling patient-specific neural control in children with cerebral palsy”.
  • Jesper Bencke. Copenhagen University Hospital, Amager-Hvidovre, Denmark. “Pre-programmed hamstring activation during sidecutting is associated with reflexive response during a single-legged pertubation test”.


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The Developing Countries Grant Competition (DCGC) aims to incentive innovative and collaborative activities to develop biomechanics in EDC regions. This year winners are:


Darshan Shah

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India              

Development of an Active Artificial Human Knee Joint


Jansen Atier Estrázulas

Amazonas State University, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil     

Anthropometry and laborers health in Amazonian factories


Qipeng Song

Shandong Sport University, Jinan, China 

Differences in gait strategies and foul risks between treadmill and overground racewalking


Arnab Sarmah

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India     

Degree of Association between Knee Health with Pelvis Mobility and Plantar Pressure


Heiliane de Brito Fontana            

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil            

Ultrasound-based muscle quality in osteoarthritis: accounting for the subcutaneous fat bias


EDC Student Travel Grant 2023: Report by awardee Fatemeh Jalali

Embarking on a journey requires curiosity and effort, but staying committed to the chosen path demands even more. It means being deeply interested, sacrificing other activities that divert your focus, taking responsibility, and investing significant time and energy. This holds true for academic pursuits as well. When I decided to present my new project at the 29th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) in Fukuoka, Japan, my biggest motivation was being surrounded by fellow biomechanics enthusiasts. I firmly believed that being part of a passionate and professional community would fuel my passion and help me navigate the highs and lows of my chosen path.

However, my excitement was short-lived when I realized the high cost of a round-trip ticket to attend the event. It seemed impossible to secure funding, and I thought I might have to give up on my dream. But then, a ray of hope appeared – an email notifying me that I had won the EDC Student Travel Grant. Having achieved this unexpected success re-energized me so that I could finally attend the ISB 2023!

Participating in the ISB conference offered more than just being in the company of professionals. Here are some of the benefits that made it even more appealing:

1) The congress truly lived up to its name, International Society of Biomechanics, bringing together students and researchers from all over the world. The interactions and connections I experienced were far beyond what I had encountered in previous conferences.
2) Usually, individuals focus on a specific topic, and opportunities to explore other areas are limited, especially in developing countries with fewer resources. But attending this congress provided a broader perspective, allowing me to engage and collaborate with experts from different fields. This could significantly influence my future career.
3) It was like Google Scholar coming to life! The researchers and scientists whose work I had admired became accessible. If I had questions or needed guidance, I could personally discuss and learn directly from the experts themselves.
4) The conference was not just about science – it was an opportunity to meet students and researchers from around the world. It offered a chance to not only collaborate on research but also immerse myself in different cultures, traditions, and mindsets. I made friends and connections in Poland, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Italy, Australia, Germany, India, South Africa, the United States, Japan, Canada, and more.
5) Lastly, Japan was a smart choice for hosting. It's a safe country with incredibly kind and caring people. I was amazed when a stranger paused her tasks to help me reach my destination for more than ten minutes! It highlighted the remarkable consideration people have for others in Japan.

Certainly, there were challenges like misplacing the invitation letter, a long flight, and difficulties with currency exchange. But when I consider all the advantages and the impact they had on my personal and scientific growth, those challenges faded in comparison.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the International Society of Biomechanics for awarding me the EDC Student Travel Grant, Professor Daniel Hahn, the ISB EDC Officer, and Professor Andrew Cresswell, the ISB Treasurer, for their support and collaboration before and during the conference. Without their assistance, I wouldn't have been able to participate in the ISB 2023 and gain such an extraordinary experience.

Fatemeh Jalali

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In this series of Featured Labs, we will invite an ISB member from a Economically Developing Country (EDC) for an interview. Each issue, a different researcher.

Dr. Ganesh Bapat from the Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) in India won the Developing Countries Grant Competition (DCGC) in 2021. 


“I am Dr. Ganesh Bapat, faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani Goa Campus, India. I transitioned from a postdoc to a faculty position in India during Covid-19 global pandemic. After joining my current position, I started working on the Design of a Neck Exoskeleton to prevent and reduce neck pain problems. However, many funding calls were postponed/ became irregular due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In such a scenario, I submitted this project for the DCGC-2021 grant during the 28th Conference of the ISB held online and secured the same (USD 1000). The grant helped me purchase the consumables and design and fabricate the Exoskeleton's preliminary prototypes. Based on this preliminary development, I secured more significant funding of 52 lakh Indian rupees (~63000 USD) from the Department of Health Research (DHR), Government of India for the same project. We now have a working prototype (version-3) of the neck exoskeleton. We are testing the same for efficacy in daily working conditions. I could not present the results of this project during ISB-2023 as we are in the process of filing a patent. However, I look forward to presenting the exciting outcomes of this research during the next ISB-2025 in Stockholm. I want to thank ISB for awarding me the DCGC grant, especially during the difficult times of the global pandemic, which helped me continue my Biomechanics research in India and secure more significant funding."


Check the Featured Lab series interview with Dr. Ganesh below:


  1. Introduction and Background:


  • Can you provide a brief overview of your research?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: I am a translational researcher working in the field of Biomechanics, Assistive and Medical Devices. My research focuses on investigating the physiological and biomechanical aspects of human gait, musculoskeletal disorders, and physical disability. The overarching goal is to assist people with walking gait impairments/physical disabilities/ musculoskeletal disorders using assistive technology and therapy. I am currently working as a faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, Goa Campus, India.


  • What inspired you to establish your lab and delve into biomechanics within an EDC?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: Two individuals have played a significant role as my research role models. First is my doctoral advisor, Professor Sujatha Srinivasan, at IIT Madras. The second is Dr. Abhay Bang, a doctor, public health researcher, and Gandhian social worker, whom I've never had the chance to meet but have extensively read his books and articles. Both of these amazing individuals have inspired me to use my research skills to positively impact the lives of people in India. Additionally, my education in India has been made possible by leading government institutions funded by taxpayers' money. This creates a sense of responsibility within me to give back to the people and the society that have supported my education. These reasons made me return after completing my postdoctoral research in the USA and establish a biomechanics research lab in India. 


  1. Research Focus and Innovation:


  • Could you describe some examples of cutting-edge research projects or areas of study your lab is currently engaged in?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: Presently, my lab is working on designing an exoskeleton for neck injuries and neck pain problems. This project was initially supported through the Delsys De Luca foundation grant and the ISB-DCGC award. We're also researching ways to tackle thermal discomfort issues associated with orthotic devices and exoskeletons. Another key area of our research delves into pistoning and joint misalignment issues that can occur with orthotic devices and exoskeletons. We're focused on finding innovative solutions to minimize these problems, ultimately making these assistive devices more effective and comfortable. My team is also working on an industry-funded project related to designing knee braces for post-surgical rehabilitation. In essence, my lab's research spans various aspects of applied biomechanics, with a strong emphasis on designing assistive devices, addressing comfort and compliance issues, and infusing technological innovations to enhance the quality of life for individuals with physical disability.


  • What unique challenges or opportunities does your lab face due to the economic context, and how do you approach these factors innovatively?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: Being a Biomechanist in India presents both fulfilling and demanding experiences. Experimental biomechanics needs expensive equipment and infrastructure, which is challenging to set up in a developing country. Additionally, I've personally encountered biases against research from developing countries when it comes to getting published in international journals or conferences. The Open Access (OA) fees associated with many journals are often beyond the means of researchers in EDCs, limiting our publication options since many journals are shifting towards OA models. While many such challenges exist, I look towards those challenges as an opportunity. Being in EDC, I get to solve problems of unique health issues or patient populations that can provide valuable insights. The lack of expensive equipment encourages us to create custom setups and design innovative experiments to validate research hypotheses. Furthermore, as biomechanics gains recognition as a breakthrough science of the 21st century, I'm witnessing growing support from Indian funding agencies and my institution for research in this field.


  1. Collaborations, Facilities and Resources: 


  • Can you provide insights into the facilities, equipment, and resources available in your lab that contribute to your research endeavors?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: I have access to mechanical fabrication facilities through the mechanical department workshop. We also have a university-wide scientific instrumentation center that provides access to material testing and characterization facilities. Additionally, I have 3D printers and a 3D scanner in my lab to rapidly prototype assistive devices. We have recently purchased the interface pressure mat to study interface dynamics in wearable exoskeletons. We also have a Delsys 2-sensor EMG module from De Luca Foundation grant. A few other experimental set-ups are custom-built by my students. My lab is supported by a dedicated team of students with backgrounds in engineering, spanning bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students, who contribute significantly to our research efforts.


  • Have you established international collaborations or partnerships with other research institutions?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: It’s been three years since I returned to India, and one year was consumed in the Covid pandemic. Most of my time so far has been invested in securing grants to establish my lab, research program, and teaching responsibilities. Hence, I have not approached international collaborators yet. I have made collaborations with hospitals and rehabilitation centers for research within India. Now, I am open to international collaborations as well.


  • How do you optimize your resources to achieve impactful outcomes despite potential economical constraints?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: Despite modest lab facilities compared to those in developed countries and economic constraints, we maximize our impact by concentrating on translational research and product development, aligning with the mission of Indian government funding agencies. While we haven't delved into some advanced basic biomechanics areas due to financial limitations, we aim to expand our research horizons through collaborations with both national and international researchers, thus compensating for resource limitations.


  1. Future Directions:


  • What are your lab's aspirations for the future?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: I would like the Biomechanics Research Group at BITS Pilani Goa to spearhead the development of medical devices, therapies, or rehabilitation techniques based on biomechanical principles. The lab should also contribute to public health initiatives by researching biomechanics related to musculoskeletal disorders, vascular diseases, and other conditions prevalent in India. I personally would like to see the global commercialization of novel assistive/medical devices developed in our lab. In the next five years, we aspire to become a center of excellence in biomechanics research, education and training in India.


  • What are your suggestions and wishes regarding ISB’s support of biomechanists from EDCs?

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: ISB is already doing a great job by supporting biomechanists from EDCs through EDC travel grants, developing countries grants etc. Beyond that, I feel ISB can also think of implementing:

- Reduced/No fees for OA journals that are affiliated with ISB

- Mentoring program for young scientists in EDC

- ISB supported international exchange program for researchers from EDC to provide them exposure to the world-class Biomechanics labs

- Conducting ISB-supported regional conferences/Biomechanics workshops etc., to promote Biomechanics in EDC


  • What advice would you give to other researchers or aspiring biomechanists from EDCs? 

Dr. Ganesh Bapat: Instead of offering advice, I'd like to share my perspective. I see conducting research in developing countries as an opportunity rather than a disadvantage. There is a wealth of challenges to address for our own people, so there's no shortage of research problems to tackle. If we can discover scientific solutions to these issues cost-effectively using limited resources, that's "frugal engineering." These resource-efficient solutions can then be implemented in developed countries too. Working in economically developing countries may mean having limitations on resources and funding, but it certainly doesn't limit our capacity to generate innovative ideas. It's important to remember that "Great ideas can come from anywhere, so never restrict your imagination."


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Fukuoka 2023 - sayonara and arigatou gozaimasu

We are now back to our countries and our cities, but we still have a beautiful memory of the great days we have had in Fukuoka! We are so pleased to have watched an excellent scientific show, with hundreds of nice posters and podium presentations, remarkable awarded studies, and stimulating key-lectures. Particularly inspiring were the two sessions for the celebration of the 50 years of ISB; we are now thrilled to go through the Special Issues in preparation for this anniversary in the major biomechanical journals (if you want to contribute, please write to us). Our colleagues in the Conference Organizing and Scientific committees and the entire local staff have done a great job in organising perfectly all that, in addition to the lively and lovely social events, and to the direct contacts with our sponsors and their fascinating new instruments. We all enjoyed a wonderful stay, feeling like at home, finally meeting again after years colleagues and friends. Well all of us have contributed to the success of the Congress, participating in person with passion and enthusiasm to the most important traditional event of ISB, after years of remote connections. The entire past Council have also worked hard and in harmony to achieve this result. The past and current Council members are thus so pleased to have found such an active, vigorous and energetic community, despite the many problems we all have had worldwide. We shall congratulate to each other for this overall triumph.

We are proud to report that ISB/JSB Fukuoka 2023 had >1000 abstracts and >1300 registrations from 46 countries. Some other highlights included the pre-conference workshops (with one of the highest attendances ever), mentoring lunch with an inspiring and passionate group of students, the AWB workshop, and the conference dinner. The conference dinner was not the traditional style of banquet, but instead was held in a novel venue (a shopping arcade) with food from a range of street stalls. It was a hot night, but the drinks were cold and it was great for networking and socialising – walking through the arcade, shopping, and sampling a variety of foods and drinks and seeing friends at every stop – what a great night. 

ISB have already secured the Congress in Stockholm on 2025, and we are already in the search for a new inspiring locations for 2027 and 2029, for continuing this fantastic journey.

Alberto (Past President) and Liz (President)

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The ISB congress 2023 was held from July 30th to August 3rd, 2023 at Fukuoka Convention Center as a joint congress with the Japanese Society of Biomechanics (JSB). First of all, on behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank all attendees for your active participation in the ISB-JSB 2023 Joint Congress. We hope that this congress was a fruitful and memorable event for each attendee. Next, we would like to express our appreciation to ISB for their continuous support in helping to organize this congress. Especially, Drs. Elizabeth Clarke, Alberto Leardini, and Toni Arndt, who had given us valuable advice for the special programming, such as the ISB 50th Anniversary session, Advancing Women in Biomechanics (AWB) events, and general management of ISB congress, respectively. We would like to take this opportunity to once again express our appreciation to them all.

We would also like to thank the ISB Council for giving us an opportunity to host the ISB Congress in conjunction with JSB this year. We were also very honored to have the opportunity to host the ISB 50th Anniversary in this country, Japan. Historically, Japan has hosted three ISB congresses (1981, 1997, and 2023). The number of attendees in the past ISB congresses in Japan was 419 (ISB1981) and 600 (ISB1997).  This year, the total number of attendees in ISB-JSB2023 was 1340 attendees from 46 countries all around the world. This means a lot not only to ISB-JSB2023 organizing committees but also to JSB’s history. We were truly blessed that the pioneers of our field had laid out a strong foundation for us to build and expand upon. It is therefore appropriate, at this point for us to thank Drs. Shinji Sakurai (the president of JSB) and Tadao Isaka (JSB) for their continuous support and encouragement for the ISB-JSB2023 congress over three years.

Scientific Committee (core members) organized the day-to-day congress program by arranging parallel session schedules and symposiums. We would like to thank Drs. Todd Pataky, Yuki Inaba, Shariman Ismail, and Raihana Sharir for their tremendous effort and contributions towards the planning of the scientific program. We would also like to express our appreciation to the 250 Scientific Committee members who were in charge of reviewing the submitted abstracts. With the effort of all the members of the organizing committee, the ISB-JSB2023 was organized with 8 lectures (Wartenweiler memorial lecture, Muybridge award lecture, President lecture, and Keynote lectures), 4 workshops (8 presentations) and 13 symposiums (98 presentations). We would also like to highlight the number of general presentations, which were 453 oral and 414 poster presentations. The success of the congress could not have been achieved without the effort, passion, and scientific vigor of all the speakers.

We also appreciate all ISB and congress sponsors. In total, there were 25 companies and organizations who had supported the ISB-JSB2023 congress including the planning of several events, such as AWB and Student-Night Out, etc. As far as we know, this is the first time where AWB had held its events in Japan. The theme of AWB this year was to learn, think, and discuss about the Intersectionality. We hope these activities will continue not only in ISB but also in other societies in the future. For the AWB organization, we would really like to thank Dr. Nahoko Sato for her world-class management. For the Student-Night Out, we would like to send our biggest appreciation to the student staff, Mr. Tsuyoshi Iitake, and Mr. Raki Kawama (‘DJ Raki’). Both Ph.D. students had put in a lot of efforts to organize the events. Although it was a hot evening, ‘Gala dinner on the street’ may be one of the highlights of the congress. We would like to let the readers recognize the unsung heroes, individuals who had been working behind the scenes, Drs. Yuji Tamura and Ryo Iwasaki, and student staff of Fukuoka University for the Gala dinner. Their management and hospitality were more than what we had expected. Finally, we would like to thank all the organizing committee members. They were always fair and professional in various situations during the congress.

Again, thank you all for coming and making ISB-JSB2023 a memorable event. We enjoyed the conference, the biomechanics, the discussion, and the meeting of friends and colleagues. See you again at ISB2025 in Stockholm!

Hiroyuki Nunome (Congress Chair) and Hiroaki Hobara (Congress co-chair)

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MORE PHOTOS FROM THE CONFERENCE on the conference website

Also check the video of the banquet at Kawabata Shopping Arcade: click here


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David Winter Young Investigator Award (podium):

aw1     Quinn Yetman

“Foot and Ankle Kinetics are Coupled During Propulsion for Walking and Running”             

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Queen's University          

Quinn Yetman is a 3rd year graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at Queen’s University in the Skeletal Observation Lab supervised by Dr. Michael Rainbow. He upgraded directly from my MASc to the PhD program in January 2023 after doing his undergraduate degree in Applied Mathematics and Engineering at Queen’s University. His research uses biplanar videoradiography and computational modeling to look at how the foot and ankle work together during locomotion. He is interested in understanding fundamental foot mechanics to improve performance in running and footwear design as well as reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in the general population.


David Winter Young Investigator Award (poster)             

aw2.jpg     Kavya Katugam-Dechene

“Energetics, Mechanics, and Muscle: Locomotor Adaptations to Chronic Limb Loading during Development”   

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Penn State University                                   

Kavya Katugam-Dechene recently successfully defended her PhD in the Muscle Function & Locomotion Lab at Penn State under the mentorship of Dr. Jonas Rubenson. Her dissertation investigated the effects of exercise during growth on musculoskeletal health, specifically focusing on locomotor energetics, gait mechanics, and muscle architecture, using guinea fowl as a comparative model species. This August, she will be starting as a postdoctoral researcher at the Concord Field Station under the mentorship of Dr. Nicolai Konow at UMass Lowell and Dr. Andy Biewener at Harvard University, with projects focusing on muscle physiology. She will also be working in industry as a Biomechanics Research Engineer at a sports technology startup based in Cambridge, MA, with work focusing on research and development on athletic performance evaluation.


Clinical Biomechanics Award     

aw3.jpg    Francesco Cenni

“Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle and Achilles Tendon Interplay during Gait in Cerebral Palsy”               

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University of Jyväskylä                  

Francesco Cenni is a research fellow (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, European Union’s programme) at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä (Finland). He is originally from Rimini (Italy). Francesco is a biomedical engineer with a strong focus on clinical applications. He worked several years at university hospitals in Bologna (Italy) and Leuven (Belgium). In Leuven (KU Leuven), Francesco received his PhD degree in January 2018. His main expertise is in medical imaging (by using 3D ultrasonography for musculoskeletal applications) and gait analysis. Francesco enjoys building up large and passionate research networks and he is also involved in promoting visibilities and opportunities for young researchers. He is finalizing his project on motor and sensory systems in children with cerebral palsy and he is keen to explore more about muscle and tendon remodeling in neuromuscular diseases.


ISB World Athletics Award for Biomechanics      

aw_4.png   Toshihide Fujimori

"Performance Strategy in the High Jump varies between Individuals: Mechanical Work Exertion vs Energy Conversion"

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University of Tsukuba     

Toshihide Fujimori is a PhD student at the University of Tsukuba, specializing in the field of sports biomechanics. His research focuses on the biomechanics of dynamic locomotion, particularly delving into the mechanics of spring-like body movements and muscle-tendon dynamics in jumping and sprinting. Through his studies, he aims to unravel the precise mechanics that underlie these movements, contributing valuable insights to optimise athletic performance and prevent injuries.


Promising Scientist Award          

aw_5.jpg     Anne Koelewijn 

“Exploring Energy Optimality of Human Movement through Simulation”

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Fredrich-Alexander University                   

Since 2019, Anne Koelewijn is a junior professor in the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany. Here, she leads the Biomechanical Motion Analysis and Creation (BioMAC) group. Her group researches human movement and control using optimal control simulations, machine learning, and experiments inside and outside of the lab. Their aim is to help people reach their best possible performance, both people with a disability or disease affecting their mobility and athletes. Anne holds a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering (2011) and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering (2014) from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. She received a Doctor of Engineering degree in mechanical engineering from Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH, USA) in 2018 for her research on predictive simulations and their application in understanding gait of persons with a transtibial amputation. Next, she was a postdoc in the Biorobotics Laboratory at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, where she researched neuromuscular control of standing and walking, before moving to her current position. When she is not busy with research, you can often find Anne playing or refereeing lacrosse, cooking and baking, or hiking.


Carlo De Luca Emerging Scientist             

screenshot 2023 09 08 142126    Marco Romanato

“A translational electromyography-informed approach to characterize motor control abnormalities in Parkisnon's disease”                    

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Institut du Cerveau         

Marco Romanato got his Master of Science degree in Bioengineering (2018) at University of Padova (Italy). He has been a doctoral student (2019 - 2022) of the XXXV cycle at the PhD School on Information Engineering, curricula of Bioengineering, at the University of Padova (Italy) and defended his thesis (2023) on the characterization of motor control in Parkinson’s disease through translational electromyography-informed modeling approaches. His PhD was exploited in collaboration with the Fresco Parkinson Center in Villa Margherita in Vicenza (Italy). During his studies he has participated three times to Erasmus+ mobility programs: in 2017 at the Reykjavik University in Reykjavik (Iceland), in 2018 at the University of Twente in Enschede (The Netherlands), and in 2022 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden). In 2022 he won a 2-years research fellowship grant (42.966 €) at the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padova (Italy). Currently (2023), he is a post-doctoral researcher at the Paris Brain Institute, within the experimental neurosurgery team at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière (France). His main research activity focuses on the neurophysiological and biomechanical alterations in locomotion in people with neurodegenerative disorders. He is involved in the instrumental evaluation of different interventions (i.e., physical rehabilitation, pharmacological treatment, deep brain stimulation) in people with Parkinson’s disease, the use of neuro-musculoskeletal modelling techniques to track disease progression, and the investigation of sub-corticomuscular correlates during gait. He is first author and co-author of conference abstracts and full-length articles in international conference proceedings and peer-reviewed journals concerning gait and posture abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease.

Jacquelin Perry Emerging Female Scientist Award           

aw_7.jpg      Janet Zhang-Lea

“One Size Cannot Fit All: Variations in Running Biomechanics Associate with Runner’s Demographics, Running Experience, and DIsability Level  “            

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Gonzaga University         

One Size Cannot Fit All: Variations in Running Biomechanics Associate with Runner’s Demographics, Running Experience, and DIsability Level                

Dr. Janet H. Zhang-Lea is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Physiology at Gonzaga University. Prior to joining Gonzaga in 2022, she earned her PhD degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the supervision of Dr. Roy Cheung, and joined Dr. Alena Grabowski’s Applied Biomechanics Lab at University of Colorado Boulder as a post-doctoral researcher. Her research is focused on using a biomechanics-based approach to understand motor control and motor learning in human locomotion, and to further utilize motor learning as a method for injury prevention and wearable device development in rehabilitation sciences.


ISB Student Travel Grant Awardees

Anja-Verena Berling

University of Queensland, Australia

Yichen Huang

University of Melbourne, Australia

Olivia Bruce

University of Calgary, Canada

Quinn Yetman

Queens University, Canada

Ze Gong

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Adam Kositsky

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Raad Khair

University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Tat Nhat Minh Truong

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Taniel Winner

Emory University, USA

Nicole Jones

University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Danyon Stitt

University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Elisa Romero Avila

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Guido Mirko Geusebroek

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Kavya Katugam-Dechene

Penn State, USA

Allesia Funaro

KU Leuven, Belgium

Mauricio Delgado

University of Calgary, Canada

ISB Postdoc Travel Grant

Seongwon Han

University of Meunster, Germany

Barbara Postolka

KU Leuven, Belgium

Fransiska Bossuyt

Swiss Paraplegic Research Switzerland, Switzerland

Deepak Ravi

ETH Switzerland

Kristen Jakubowski

Emory University and Georgia Tech, USA

Luca Buzzatti

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

EDC Students Travel Grant

Samrat Sagar

IIT Bombay, India

Jordan Leondiris

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Fatemeh Jalali

University of Tehran, Iran.


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Jan-Pieter Clarys (1947-2023)


Jan Clarys a long-time member and contributor to the ISB passed away earlier this year from lung cancer at the age of 75.  Jan was a charter member of the ISB, served on the ISB Council from 1981 to 1991, and was the ISB Newsletter editor from 1982 to 1989.  He leaves behind his wife, two daughters, and a grandson.

Professor Dr. Jan-Pieter Clarys was full professor and Head of Experimental Anatomy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) from 1990 to 2012, and Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the VUB from 1996 to 2004.  He became Emeritus Professor in October 2012, but in retirement maintained his involvement in research.

Jan started his career as a researcher for the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research at the University of Ghent in 1969.  He is the author of 170 scientific publications, and author or co-author of eight books on ergonomic and sports sciences.  During a 40-year career, his major research activities were devoted to hydro‐dynamics, electromyography, functional anatomy, and human body composition.  He was a keen water polo player, and some of his research included measuring muscle activity using electromyography during swimming and a water polo throw.

As well as his service to the ISB Jan was president of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) from 1996 to 1998.  He was also president of the World Commission of Sports Biomechanics.  He was the long-term chairman of the Steering Group of the Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Congress series.  In 1978 he was awarded the Dutch Prize in Sports Medicine, in 1995 The Philip Noel-Baker Award from the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, and in 1996 was awarded the silver medal for winter sports research by Austrian Olympic Committee.  Liverpool John Moores University awarded him Doctor Honoris Causa in 1996.  He was an editorial board member of the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology; the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, and the International Journal of Training and Coaching.

At the 2011 ISB Congress in Brussels Jan delivered the Wartenweiler Memorial Lecture.  His lecture was titled “The schizophrenic balance of old techniques and new technologies in body composition and their (assumed) support in biomechanics, ergonomics and health care”.

Jan will be remembered as a generous and charismatic man, who enjoyed defending his, sometimes outspoken, ideas.


Véronique Feipel, Université Libre de Bruxelles

John H Challis, Penn State University


August, 2023


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 The Executive Council of the ISB is responsible for selecting the site for the biennial International Congress of the Society and for offering guidance and assistance to the Organizing Committee.

The Congress shall be held in collaboration with one or more local academic institutions. The proposal must take into account gender and ethnicity equity and promote geographical diversity (e.g. balance in organizers, speakers, nominations for awards or positions of recognition etc) to bring together prominent researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners from around the world to explore and discuss the latest advancements and trends in the field of biomechanics.

The responsibility of attracting bids, corresponding with potential hosts, and working closely with the chosen applicant during the congress preparation lies with the President-Elect of the Society. Individuals or groups interested in organizing an ISB Congress are required to prepare and submit a formal proposal to the ISB Executive Council through the President-Elect.

Interested prospective organizers are encouraged to contact Felipe Carpes (President-Elect) via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for guidance on bidding guidelines and additional information.

The ISB looks forward to partnering with a dedicated host to create a high-quality and impactful XXXI Congress that advances the field of biomechanics and fosters collaboration among global experts.


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