In my first article as ISB President I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and support, and I would like to warmly welcome the new ISB Council to their roles. The elected and appointed ISB Council for 2023-25 are as follows.
Elizabeth Clarke, President, Australia
Alberto Leardini, Past President, Italy,
Felipe Carpes, President Elect, Brazil
Brent Edwards, Secretary General, Canada
Shaye Tiell, Student Representative, USA
Katherine Boyer, Awards Officer, USA
Taylor Dick, Awards Officer, Australia
Jennifer Shin, Affiliate Societies Officer, South Korea
Daniel Hahn, Economically Developing Countries (EDC) Officer, Germany
Hannah Rice, Education Officer, Norway
Jonas Rubenson, Informatics Officer, USA
Heiliane de Brito Fontana, Publications Officer, Brazil
Luke Kelly, Sponsorship Officer, Australia
Erica Bell, Student Awards Officer, USA
Yumna Albertus, Technical Groups Officer, South Africa
Andrew Cresswell, Treasurer, Australia
John Challis, Archives Officer (Appointed), USA
Hiro Hobara, Social Media Representative (Appointed), Japan
Obinna Fidelis, Representative for Africa (Appointed), Nigeria
Tung-Wu Lu, Representative for Asia (Appointed), Taiwan
Felipe Carpes, Representative for South America (Appointed), Brazil
Link to the council in the ISB website
We are all enthusiastically settling into our roles and starting to discuss initiatives. Some of the activities that we are currently discussing include updating the functionality and appearance of the ISB website, updating sponsorship offerings, additional EDC and education activities, updating the conference hosting documents, introducing an equity and diversity initiative, and documenting a strategic plan and financial plan for the society. I will provide updates on these activities, and others that arise, as we make progress.
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new ISB Affiliate Society – International Women in Biomechanics (IWB) - and our new ISB Technical Group – Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics (CNB). It has been a great pleasure for me to support both groups in making their applications to ISB, and I’m happy to report that ISB have updated our Affiliate Society codes to be inclusive of a wider range of Affiliate Societies, in addition to those based on geography.
Likewise, we are currently undertaking a review of the conference hosting documents to improve clarity and transparency in the process of bidding for, and hosting/organising the conference. If you are bidding to host the 2027 ISB Conference, please reach out to Felipe Carpes or myself before making your submission, to ensure you are using the updated documents.
I’ll finish by thanking the Fukuoka 2023 conference organising committee – what a great conference and a great city, and it was wonderful to see so many friends and colleagues again in person after 4 years.
Elizabeth Clarke
ISB President
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