Welcome IWB (International Women in Biomechanics), a new affiliate society of ISB!
We are excited to welcome IWB as our new affiliate society of ISB.
Here is a message from IWB.
“IWB is thrilled to be an Affiliate Society of the ISB. We are grateful for the support provided by ISB’s Affiliate Societies Officer, Jennifer Shin, and ISB’s President, Liz Clarke, throughout the application process, and we thank the membership of ISB for voting in favor at the recent AGM in Japan.
The IWB community represents women and historically underrepresented genders in the scientific field of biomechanics around the world, focused on providing a platform for building relationships, sharing resources, and elevating visibility of the work and efforts of women in biomechanics. Over 700 people have joined the IWB community since its inception in July 2020. Our members are from over 300 universities/organizations and 33 countries, ranging in career stage from students to senior academic and industry professionals.
With great overlap between our international communities, we envision advantages in cross-advertising of events, activities, resources, and other announcements. We look forward to working with the ISB to continue to advance the carriers and science of women and underrepresented genders in our field.
To learn more about IWB, please visit our new website: https://www.intwomenbiomech.org/”
Important Update to the Code of Conduct for ISB Affiliate Societies
A significant change has been made in the code of conduct of the affiliate societies of the International Society of Bimechanics (ISB) this year. This update expands our community by welcoming all different forms of societies, moving beyond the previous restriction to only regional or national societies.
Key Changes in the Updated Code of Conduct
Inclusivity: Our updated code is now inclusive of all forms of societies, including those not based on nations or regions. This ensures a broader representation and participation, enhancing the global reach of our initiatives.
New Benefits for Affiliate Societies: The newly updated benefits for ISB affiliate societies include biennial financial support for:
Plenary Speaker Invitation & Young Investigator Award at their major conferences (See details for the code). Alternative funding usage may also be considered by ISB if they are more tailored to the unique needs of the affiliate society.
Apply Now!
We warmly invite new affiliate membership applications and encourage current members to engage more actively in our community. Applications submitted from now until April 2025 will be considered in the upcoming council meeting and general assembly in Stockholm, Sweden in 2025.
The updated version of the code of conduct will soon be available on our website for everyone to review. We believe these changes reflect our continued commitment to supporting scientific collaboration, inclusivity, and excellence.
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us (Jennifer Shin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)).
We look forward to welcoming new members and deepening our collaboration with existing affiliate societies.
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