The ISB congress 2023 was held from July 30th to August 3rd, 2023 at Fukuoka Convention Center as a joint congress with the Japanese Society of Biomechanics (JSB). First of all, on behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank all attendees for your active participation in the ISB-JSB 2023 Joint Congress. We hope that this congress was a fruitful and memorable event for each attendee. Next, we would like to express our appreciation to ISB for their continuous support in helping to organize this congress. Especially, Drs. Elizabeth Clarke, Alberto Leardini, and Toni Arndt, who had given us valuable advice for the special programming, such as the ISB 50th Anniversary session, Advancing Women in Biomechanics (AWB) events, and general management of ISB congress, respectively. We would like to take this opportunity to once again express our appreciation to them all.
We would also like to thank the ISB Council for giving us an opportunity to host the ISB Congress in conjunction with JSB this year. We were also very honored to have the opportunity to host the ISB 50th Anniversary in this country, Japan. Historically, Japan has hosted three ISB congresses (1981, 1997, and 2023). The number of attendees in the past ISB congresses in Japan was 419 (ISB1981) and 600 (ISB1997). This year, the total number of attendees in ISB-JSB2023 was 1340 attendees from 46 countries all around the world. This means a lot not only to ISB-JSB2023 organizing committees but also to JSB’s history. We were truly blessed that the pioneers of our field had laid out a strong foundation for us to build and expand upon. It is therefore appropriate, at this point for us to thank Drs. Shinji Sakurai (the president of JSB) and Tadao Isaka (JSB) for their continuous support and encouragement for the ISB-JSB2023 congress over three years.
Scientific Committee (core members) organized the day-to-day congress program by arranging parallel session schedules and symposiums. We would like to thank Drs. Todd Pataky, Yuki Inaba, Shariman Ismail, and Raihana Sharir for their tremendous effort and contributions towards the planning of the scientific program. We would also like to express our appreciation to the 250 Scientific Committee members who were in charge of reviewing the submitted abstracts. With the effort of all the members of the organizing committee, the ISB-JSB2023 was organized with 8 lectures (Wartenweiler memorial lecture, Muybridge award lecture, President lecture, and Keynote lectures), 4 workshops (8 presentations) and 13 symposiums (98 presentations). We would also like to highlight the number of general presentations, which were 453 oral and 414 poster presentations. The success of the congress could not have been achieved without the effort, passion, and scientific vigor of all the speakers.
We also appreciate all ISB and congress sponsors. In total, there were 25 companies and organizations who had supported the ISB-JSB2023 congress including the planning of several events, such as AWB and Student-Night Out, etc. As far as we know, this is the first time where AWB had held its events in Japan. The theme of AWB this year was to learn, think, and discuss about the Intersectionality. We hope these activities will continue not only in ISB but also in other societies in the future. For the AWB organization, we would really like to thank Dr. Nahoko Sato for her world-class management. For the Student-Night Out, we would like to send our biggest appreciation to the student staff, Mr. Tsuyoshi Iitake, and Mr. Raki Kawama (‘DJ Raki’). Both Ph.D. students had put in a lot of efforts to organize the events. Although it was a hot evening, ‘Gala dinner on the street’ may be one of the highlights of the congress. We would like to let the readers recognize the unsung heroes, individuals who had been working behind the scenes, Drs. Yuji Tamura and Ryo Iwasaki, and student staff of Fukuoka University for the Gala dinner. Their management and hospitality were more than what we had expected. Finally, we would like to thank all the organizing committee members. They were always fair and professional in various situations during the congress.
Again, thank you all for coming and making ISB-JSB2023 a memorable event. We enjoyed the conference, the biomechanics, the discussion, and the meeting of friends and colleagues. See you again at ISB2025 in Stockholm!
Hiroyuki Nunome (Congress Chair) and Hiroaki Hobara (Congress co-chair)
MORE PHOTOS FROM THE CONFERENCE on the conference website
Also check the video of the banquet at Kawabata Shopping Arcade: click here
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