International Society of Biomechanics
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International Women in Biomechanics

In our previous issue of the ISB Now, we welcomed the International Women in Biomechanics as our new affiliate society of ISB. Here is an exciting update regarding the Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb.


Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb

Wikipedia is Earth's most widely read knowledge repository, with approximately two billion unique device visits per month. Despite this, less than 20% of Wikipedia biographies are about women. A search of 'Women in Biomechanics' on Wikipedia in 2023 by Emeritus Professor Julie Steele returned no results. We want to change this.

With the help of our biomechanics community, across 2024, we will undertake a Wikibomb to create and update Wikipedia biographies of notable women in biomechanics. For more information about what makes someone notable click here.


The Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb is an initiative of the International Society of Biomechanics and will ensure that women biomechanists are visible to younger female scientists on Wikipedia so they can imagine education and careers in biomechanics – just like us! 

To conduct the Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb we are calling on the biomechanics community to volunteer their time in one of two capacities. Please join us by:

  1.  Volunteering to write or update a profile of a notable woman in biomechanics and/or 
  2.  Joining the editorial team who will systematically review and upload the profiles 


Please note that a template and clear instructions on how to write and edit profiles will be provided in early March 2024 for all volunteers. We plan to complete the profiles across 2024 and celebrate our success (aiming to edit and create 100 profiles of notable women in biomechanics) at ISB 2025. However, our efforts won't stop there; in undertaking this activity, we will establish a systematic process for creating and editing Wikipedia pages so that, as a community, we can continue to build and expand this resource.

Please join us by registering your interest to participate in the Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb by the 31st December 2023 via the following Google Form.

Thank you,

Celeste & Fraje

(Women in Biomechanics Wikibomb Coordinators)



Associate Professor Celeste Coltman                                 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Fraje Watson

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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