International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Dr. Paul de Vita has a message for us.


Dear Friends of National Biomechanics Day (i.e. everyone), 


We are tremendously grateful for your support and participation in NBD these past eight years. We remain the longest running, international, synchronized celebration of biomechanics and we hope for even greater success in 2024. We have introduced biomechanics to over 40,000 young people since 2016 as our contribution to making biomechanics the breakthrough science of the 21st century.

Wait! Did we hear someone say, I want to join NBD 2024 but I’d like to see some video evidence that NBDs are truly wonderful events? Well, NBD 2023 at Old Dominion University in the U.S., at Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K., and at Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil certainly had super-cool NBDS! Oh, not enough you say and is there an NBD parable we can watch to see if NBD has a moral to the story? Certainly! We have advance to the point of having our own NBD Parable!!! Now, how many sciences and scientific outreach events can say that?!?

Now that you are excited about NBD celebrations, please register with us at NBD 2024 Registration. We ask all of the lab people helping to create your NBD experience (e.g. faculty, staff and students) to register. Invite high schoolers to your lab, show them cool biomechanics science, and enjoy the day with your staff, students and visitors. Also, please know that NBDs can be live, virtual and any hybrid combination.

Please also apply for one of our grant programs for NBD2024 as we continue increasing diversity and equity in our field. Grants will provide funds for your NBD events and also for registration and travel costs to various biomechanics conferences. We have distributed ~$50,000 for this purpose the past three years. We also provide practical and philosophical support and guidance for creating a successful event. 

NBD 2024 will be fun, exciting, and enjoyable STEM & STEAM science-outreach for everyone. In fact, our theme has always been, Science Meets Fun on National Biomechanics Day. We enthusiastically invite you to participate in NBD 2024 on or around April 3, 2024**. We are ever so grateful for your interest and participation in National Biomechanics Day. 

Thank you,


Paul DeVita, Ph.D.

Founder and Director, National Biomechanics Day


**While April 3th is our target date, feel free to hold your event on any other date that works best for you.




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