South America representative: Felipe Carpes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
In this edition of the ISB Now we would like to share some news from ISB community in Latin America.
Brazilian rehabilitation institution receives equipment donation from Gillette Children’ Hospital in 2023
Associação Mineira de Reabilitação (AMR) from Brazil receives a donation from Gillette Children's Hospital
In March 2023, the Associação Mineira de Reabilitação (AMR, Minas Gerais Rehabilitation Association) initiated three-dimensional gait assessments in its Motion Analysis Laboratory (LAM-AMR), located in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. The non-profit organization provides free neuromotor rehabilitation services and social inclusion activities for children and adolescents with physical disabilities and social vulnerability residing in the capital and the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. The assessments have contributed to interdisciplinary rehabilitation, orthosis creation, and the performance of surgical procedures that collectively aid in the functionality and quality of life of the served population. Additionally, as a form of financial sustainability, in November of the same year, the institution also opened the laboratory doors for private examinations.
This innovative reality was made possible thanks to the donation of 12 Vicon cameras by the Gillette Children's Hospital, a non-profit hospital located in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Doctor and researcher Tom Novacheck facilitated the donation and in August 2023 he was able to visit LAM-AMR and closely observe the institution's work. This partnership goes beyond the donation; the laboratory professionals are always available to answer questions and discuss clinical cases. With the cameras in hand, the remaining items were acquired, and the installation was completed in partnership with DVG Grupo, through direct financial support and national tax credits under the Sports Incentive Law from the state of Minas Gerais.
Thus, with these partnerships and achievements, AMR charts its next steps based on a future of innovation associated with inclusion, diversity, and equity to continue its mission of rehabilitating and transforming lives!
You can learn more about the LAM-AMR by visiting the institution’s website:
This donation was not mediated by ISB but considering the relevance of this action and the involvement of ISB members and Brazilian Society of Biomechanics members with the Brazilian institution, the Minas Gerais Rehabilitation Association is happy to share this news with the ISB community. We hope this news can serve as a motivation to other similar initiatives around the world.
Conferences in South America in 2024
It seems that Latin America will be a good destination for travelling in 2024! Check below two conferences that we would like to highlight in this issue of ISB Now.
18th International Symposium of 3DAHM
Welcome to the World summit of 3D Movement Analysis! The 18th International Symposium of 3DAHM will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay from Dec 3rd to 6th ( Prof. Franco Simini, the conference chairperson, invites colleagues who are interested in contributing to the scientific committee of the event. If you are interested in contributing, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. expressing your interest and attach a short version of your resume.
It will be the first time that the ISB’s 3D motion analysis technical group will have a symposium in Latin America and the south America community is expected to effectively support the event, also submitting papers when the call for papers is published.
Learn more about the event visiting:
Brazilian Meeting of Biomechanical Engineering 2024 - ENEBI
ENEBI is around the corner.
The 8th Brazilian Biomechanical Engineering Meeting (VIII Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Biomecânica) will take place in Gramado-RS, Brazil from June 3rd to 6th. The congress will address multidisciplinary topics in Biomechanical Engineering. We believe that this event has the potential to make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and the strengthening of collaboration networks among professionals in the field.
The Brazilian Biomechanical Engineering Meeting (ENEBI), promoted by the Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (ABCM), is an important conference in South America because it brings together professionals, academics, and industry representatives from various fields related to Biomechanics. This event is intended to integrate graduate and undergraduate researchers who work at the interface between Engineering and Health Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Medical Physics, Physical Education, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, Physiotherapy, and others).
The congress highlights the presence of prof. Walter Herzog as a keynote speaker.
Congress Chairperson: Prof. Jakson Manfredini Vassoler
Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event Website:
Costa Rica as a possible Destination for the next Latin America Meeting of Biomechanics
Since 2017, an international consortium of biomechanics enthusiasts from various Latin American nations has been collaboratively working towards establishing a robust network for biomechanics in the region. Their shared commitment is not only to foster a cross-border exchange of opportunities but also to fortify the discipline of biomechanics throughout the continent. Having successfully organized three Latin American Biomechanics Meetings within the framework of regional congresses, the Latin American biomechanics community is now eagerly anticipating their next gathering in the beautiful setting of Costa Rica. The decision to host this edition of the meeting in Costa Rica underscores the passionate dedication of Alberto Sanchez, an active ISB member, to advance the field of biomechanics within Latin America.
While the event is currently in its preparatory stages, details regarding the program and dates will be made available shortly. In the meantime, the organizing committee is actively engaging with potential sponsors who may wish to align their brand with this conference, contributing to the continued growth of biomechanics in Latin America.
For additional information about this exciting event, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Alberto Sanchez at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or reach out to the ISB South America representative.
A brief report of European students completing research visiting period in Brazil.
Below a report from Niclas Masuch, Jesus Navarro, Melanie Strohbach, and Nils Ole Grunow. A group comprising two Master's students and two PhD candidates from Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) (Chemnitz, Germany). These students visited the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa) in the very south of Brazil. This exchange will not have happened without the collaboration that was initiated when the Brazilian student Milena dos Santos spent around 2 months at TUC in 2022 in a research exchange with the support of ISB (Travel Grant).
“In the context of a project generously supported by both DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), a collaborative effort led by Prof. Felipe Carpes, at the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa) (Uruguaiana, Brazil), and Prof. Andresa Germano, at TUC, provided us with the invaluable opportunity to embark on a four-week visit to the Unipampa in September 2023.
Melanie and Nils Ole are on the verge of completing their Master's degrees in Human Movement and Exercise Sciences, specializing in Prevention and Rehabilitation. Meanwhile, Jesus and Niclas have recently embarked on their doctoral journeys in the field of Human Movement Science. Except for Melanie, all of us have had prior international research experiences. Jesus and Niclas have previously conducted research in Canada, while Ole completed a semester abroad in Sweden. Nonetheless, our enthusiasm for the chance to visit the Unipampa and Brazil was unanimously high.
During our stay at the lab, we actively participated in pilot studies that delved into various aspects, including effects of foot-warming on balance, markerless motion capture, futsal intervention, and the acquisition of skills to utilize models for kinematics assessments. As active subjects in these trials, we gained valuable insights into the methodologies employed by our Brazilian counterparts when encountering challenges in pilot testing. Moreover, we engaged in in-depth discussions, exchanging diverse perspectives and sharing our expertise to foster a collaborative learning environment.
Working with the kinematics models, we gained hands-on experience in marker placement and the analysis of joint angles across various gait and balance scenarios. Additionally, we undertook the validation of an AI-based markerless motion analysis system in conjunction with VICON technology, which holds promise as a more cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to conventional motion capture methods, potentially finding applications in clinical settings. We are grateful for the chance to work with this innovative measurement technology.
Beyond our initial pilot testing, our time spent collaborating with the students in the office was enriching, as we were working alongside exceptionally motivated students who displayed remarkable dedication in the laboratory. Outside the university, the students generously took us by the hand in order to let us immerse ourselves in the vibrant Brazilian culture. To those contemplating similar experiences, our recommendation is to remain open to embracing the local culture, interacting with the people, and wholeheartedly exploring new opportunities.
We, from MCN Group, extend our gratitude to Prof. Felipe Carpes and his Group (GNAP) for their warm reception. May this report serve as an inspiration for fellow students and researchers to consider visiting universities in developing countries, fostering mutual learning and collaboration.”
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