The destination for the ISB 2027 congress has been defined
Last year, the ISB published the call for bids for organizing our 2027 Congress. The guidelines for bid preparation were made available to the community, and on behalf of the ISB, I would like to thank all the organizers who approached me to express their interest in preparing and submitting a bid. Guidance was provided whenever requested by the organizers. After a long process spanning several months, five bids were submitted for the ISB 2027 Congress. The bids came from:
- Hong Kong, submitted by Professor Ming Zhang on behalf of the Hong Kong Society of Biomechanics;
- Portugal, submitted by Professor António Veloso on behalf of the University of Lisbon;
- India, submitted by Professor RajiniKumar Palaniappan on behalf of the Indian Society of Biomechanics and Kinesiology;
- Australia, submitted by Professor Karen Mickle on behalf of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics;
- Spain, submitted by Professor Jose Ignacio Priego-Quesada on behalf of the University of Valencia.
The bids were evaluated through an initial screening of the documents, followed by analysis by a subcommittee appointed by the ISB President-elect. This subcommittee included the President, Past-President, EDC Officer, Affiliated Societies Officer, and the Treasurer. After the initial screening and analysis, three bids were deemed eligible to be presented at the ISB Executive Council Meeting on August 17th in Edmonton, Canada. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all the bid organizers for investing their time and resources to travel to Canada to present their bids and respond to questions from the ISB Executive Council members. The high quality of the bids was evident.
During the executive council meeting, each proposal was thoroughly reviewed and compared to other proposals by the Executive Council members, considering factors such as diversity, equity, inclusion, representation, environmental impact, and the benefits for the society, its members, and the hosting institutions.
The final decision of the council was to select the bid submitted by Professor Karen Mickle, on behalf of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics, proposing the ISB 2027 Congress to be held in Sydney, Australia, from July 18th to 22nd, 2027. It will be the responsibility of the next President-elect to serve as the liaison between the ISB Executive Council and the organizers of the 2027 Congress.
Personally, I would like to thank the organizers for their professionalism during the process of preparing and submitting their bids. While only one bid could be selected, each proposal was outstanding, and the selection process was highly competitive. Every bid had great potential, and the ISB community is fortunate to have many members willing to host our Congress.
Finally, as a member of an EDC, I would like to leave a personal note encouraging future ISB Congress organizers to be mindful of the economic challenges involved in the participation of EDC members in the congress. I also encourage ISB members from EDC regions to consider submitting a bid for a future ISB Congress.
Felipe P. Carpes
ISB President Elect
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