This is the first Call for nominations for the ISB President-Elect and ISB Executive Council Elections for the term 2025-2027
Every two years ISB members elect a new President-Elect and Executive Council. The Executive Council members are elected for a 2-year term, with a maximum of three terms, and shall represent various scientific areas within biomechanics and countries from throughout the world. The Executive Council meets every year (one meeting at the ISB Congress, the other in another place feasible to the majority) and provides leadership for the continued development of the Society and oversees the many on-going activities that are performed by Council appointed sub-committees, including activities in Economically Developing Countries, student grants, and student awards. The full list of current Officers at The President-Elect will become President two years later, in 2027, and is responsible for coordinating the proposals for the 2029 ISB Congress.
As according to the ISB Operating codes, it is my duty as Past-president to serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee as well as solicit nominations for President-Elect and Executive Council Members from the ISB membership.
Typically, there are 3 to 4 vacant positions on the Executive Council and the President-Elect position is open and must be filled.
I therefore encourage you to nominate individuals from the ISB membership for both the executive council positions and president-elect position. All nominations must be agreed to by the person being nominated. Self-nominations must be endorsed by a current member of the executive council or an ISB Fellow. Nominations should consist of the name of the individual and a brief biography (no more than 250 words) and emailed to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Once nominations have been received an anonymous ballot will be administered by the ISB Treasurer approximately 3 months prior to the biennial congress (this time Stockholm 2025 July 27-31).
Please note that all President and Executive Council members are unpaid and are required to cover their own costs for travel and accommodation to the annual council meetings.
We also would like that the ISB Council is equitable and diverse, and may represent the interests of all members.
Alberto Leardini
Past President
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