International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Economically developing countries (EDC): travel grants 

The EDC Student Travel Grant aims to support students from Economically Developing Countries (EDCs) in attending ISB 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden. Up to five grants will be awarded, each providing monetary support of up to 2,500 USD to help cover the costs associated with attending the conference.



  • Eligibility: Candidates must be enrolled as graduate students at institutions located in EDCs and must have submitted an abstract for ISB 2025 via the abstract submission system.
  • Selection: A committee of ISB council members will review the abstracts and select five recipients.
  • Deadline: The application deadline is January 31st (CET).


How to Apply: Indicate your application for the EDC Student Travel Grant by ticking the relevant box in the abstract submission system. Additionally, please inform the ISB EDC officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of your intent to apply.


Post-Congress Requirement: Grant recipients are expected to submit a report about their experience attending ISB 2025 for publication in the ISB newsletter.


For more details, visit the ISB 2025 congress webpage:


Economically developing countries (EDC):  Developing Countries Grant Competition

The Developing Countries Grant Competition (DCGC) is designed to award five research projects from biomechanics groups in EDCs. Its purpose is to encourage innovative and collaborative activities to advance biomechanics in these regions. Each winner will receive a certificate and a monetary award of 1,250 USD for scientific purposes. Winners are expected to present their projects at ISB 2025.



  • Eligibility: Any biomechanics researcher from an EDC may apply. The principal applicant must be a current ISB member in good standing. Proposals can include team members from outside EDCs, but the project must be developed within an EDC.
  • Submission: Applications must follow the grant guidelines and use the provided proposal template. Submit your application via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Deadline: The application deadline is February 28th (CET).


Post-Congress Requirement: Winners must write a report for the ISB newsletter, detailing how the grant supported their project and contributed to advancing biomechanics in their EDC. Publications resulting from the research should acknowledge the DCGC award.

For more details, visit the ISB 2025 congress webpage.

Important note: Please be aware that you can apply for one EDC grant only.

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