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DLT & Camera Calibration

Algorthms and software for transforming image coordinates into 3D spatial data.

H.J. Woltring

3-D camera calibration and point reconstruction using the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT). Includes README file and Fortran subroutine package.

default Dltdsp.fortran (51 KB)

default Dltdsp.readme (13 KB)

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Matlab routines for 2-D camera calibration and point reconstruction using the DLT. For 2-D analysis with non-perpendicular camera angle.

default 2D-DLT point reconstruction (2 KB)

default 2D-DLT point reconstruction (1 KB)

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Matlab function for 3-D camera calibration using the modified DLT method (Hatze, J Biomech 21:533-538, 1988).

default Mdlt1.m (13 KB)

Young-Hoo Kwon

Theory, equations, and references describing the DLT.