International Society of Biomechanics
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The WCB ISB Female Research Excellence Award was offered on a once-off occasion as an ISB award presented at WCB in 2022.

The 5 finalists were Cariana Blaker, Julie Leonard-Duke, Natalia Lindgren, Kirthana Sreerangathama Suresh, and Karin Wang, and the winner was Julie Leonard-Duke from the University of Virginia for her work on “Computational Modeling of Microvascular Mechanosensitivity in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis”. All finalists received a certificate and the award winner received $1000 USD.

The WCB ISB Female Research Excellence Award was offered on a once-off occasion as an ISB award presented at WCB in 2022.

The 5 finalists were Cariana Blaker, Julie Leonard-Duke, Natalia Lindgren, Kirthana Sreerangathama Suresh, and Karin Wang, and the winner was Julie Leonard-Duke from the University of Virginia for her work on “Computational Modeling of Microvascular Mechanosensitivity in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis”. All finalists received a certificate and the award winner received $1000 USD.

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Proudly sponsored by the International Society of Biomechanics

The Jacquelin Perry Emerging Scientist Award is in honor of Professor Jacqulin Perry and her pioneering contribution to the science and application of biomechanics, in particular in the area of gait analysis and rehabilitation. The award is designed to acknowledge female researchers who have performed superior biomechanics research early in their career. It entails a certificate and a monetary award of $5000 USD for scientific purposes, such as visiting another research group to collaborate on a project. The competition is held each year in which there is an ISB-conference. The winner of the award is expected to give an oral presentation of the recent studies that have contributed to the award at the ISB congress of the same year.

Requirements: To be eligible for the award, a candidate must (1) be a female member of the ISB, (2) be post-doctoral but not more than 5 years. Each candidate must submit 1) a full curriculum vitae ,2) PDF copies of at least two first author full articles in peer reviewed scientific journals that they have written in a single area of Biomechanics, and 3) interpretative summaries describing the contribution(s) to the field for each article.


Winners of the Jacquelin Perry Emerging Female Scientist Award:
2023 Janet Zhang-Lea (USA) One Size Cannot Fit All: Variations in Running Biomechanics Associate with Runner's Demographics, Running Experience, and DIsability Level
 2021 Taylor Dick (Australia)  Series elasticity facilitates safe plantarflexor muscle-tendon shock absorption during perturbed human hopping

world athletics logo

Proudly sponsored by World Athletics

This award is presented annually at the ISB/ISBS Congress during the year in which it is awarded. The winning paper will be published as the ISB World Athletics Award for Biomechanics paper in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics (subject to a normal peer review process). The first author of the winning paper will receive a certificate and a monetary award of $5000 USD.

Requirements: Any scientist may submit an abstract for the award, except members of the ISB Executive Council. Each year the theme of the award is announced on the conference website. The abstract must describe a study related to the theme and contain some form of biomechanical analysis. From the abstracts submitted, 5 are selected and nominated for the award. The authors of the 5 selected abstracts will be requested to submit a full length paper prepared according to the guidelines of the Journal of Applied Biomechanics. The paper must be entirely original, not published at the time of the congress nor submitted for publication to any book or journal other than the Journal of Applied Biomechanics. A jury will evaluate and select the winning paper. The first author of the winning paper is expected to give a plenary session of the winning paper at the congress. In non-ISB congress years, the presentation will be given at the ISBS congress.


Winners of the ISB World Athletics Award for Biomechanics:
2023 Toshihide Fujimori (Japan) Performance Strategy in the High Jump varies between Individuals: Mechanical Work Exertion vs Energy Conversion


Tadahiko Kato (Japan) Investigation of a theoretical model for the rotational shot put technique
2021  Michael Asmussen (Canada) The “spring-like” function of the subtalar joint in maintaining stability during running

Proudly sponsored by Delsys

The Carlo de Luca Emerging Scientist Award is in honor of Professor Carlo de Luca and his pioneering contribution to the science and application of biomechanics, in particular in the area of electromyography. This award honors excellence in graduate research in the area of motor control and electromyography and is associated with a monetary award of $2,500 USD. The winners are selected prior to the ISB Congress and will present in the award’s session.

Requirements: Candidates must be at an early stage of their scientific career and to be eligible must not have received their PhD degree before the previous ISB Congress (two years prior to the Congress where the award will be given). Current graduate students, including MSc level students, are also eligible. Please send your applications to the Awards Officer. Your conference abstract must be in the area of motor control/electromyography. You are also requested to submit 1) an up-to-date curriculum vitae, 2) PDF copies of at least two of your refereed publications in the area of motor control / electromyography and 3) an interpretative summary describing the contribution(s) to the field for each article.

Please note: You are also required to submit an abstract simultaneously to the ISB congress organizers. ISB has a policy that an abstract submitted for an ISB conference award is non-identical to an abstract submitted elsewhere.


Winners of the Emerging Scientist Award:
2023 Marco Romanato (France)
2021 Tom Buurke (Belgium)
2019 Adrian Lai (Canada)
2017 Alessio Gallina
2015 Shota Haigo (Japan)
2013 Geoffrey Power (Canada)
2011 Taian Vieira (Italy)
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The Novel award is sponsored by NOVEL GmbH (Germany) for work in the area of Foot Biomechanics.


Novel Foot Biomechanics Award

Previous winners of this award are:


rich, 2001 Sicco Bus (The Netherlands)
Munich, 2000 Matthew Nurse (Canada)
Calgary, 1999 David Thompson (USA)
Tokyo, 1997 E. Morag and P.R.Cavanagh (USA)
Brisbane, 1998 Margaret Hodge (Australia)
Tokyo, 1997 Erez Morag (USA)
Penn State, 1996 Dieter Rosenbaum (Germany)
Ulm, 1994 Michael Morlock (Germany)
Vienna, 1991 Benno Nigg ( Canada)

Proudly sponsored by the International Society of Biomechanics

The Promising Scientist award is designed to acknowledge people who have performed superior biomechanics research early in their career. It entails a certificate and a monetary award of $5000 USD for scientific purposes, such as visiting another research group to collaborate on a project. The competition is held each year in which there is an ISB conference. The winner of the award is expected to give an oral presentation of the recent studies that have contributed to the award at the ISB congress of the same year.

Requirements: To be eligible for the award, a candidate must be a member of the ISB and be post-doctoral but not more than 5 years. Each candidate must submit 1) a full curriculum vitae, 2) PDF copies of at least two first author full articles in peer reviewed scientific journals that they have written in a single area of Biomechanics, and 3) interpretative summaries describing the contribution(s) to the field for each article.



Winners of the ISB Promising Scientist Award:
2023 Anne Koelewijn (Germany)
2021 Lizeth Sloot (Germany)
2019 Eng Kuan Moo (Canada)
2017 Karl Zelik (USA)
2015 Ross Miller (USA)
2013 Hiroaki Hobara (Japan)
2011 Antoine Nordez (France)
2009 Jae Kun Shim (USA)
2007 Paul Ivancic (Canada)
2005 Kermit Davis (USA)
2003 Constantinos N. Maganaris (UK)
2002 Stefan Judex (USA)
1999 Ralph Müller (USA)
1997 Amy Courtney (USA)

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Proudly sponsored by the International Society of Biomechanics


The winning paper will be published as the ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award paper in Clinical Biomechanics (subject to a normal peer review process). The first author of the winning paper will receive a certificate and a monetary award of US$1250.

Requirements: Any scientist may submit an abstract for the award, except members of the ISB Executive Council. The abstract must describe a study related to a clinical problem and contain some form of biomechanical analysis pertaining to the clinical problem. From the abstracts submitted, 5 are selected and nominated for the award. The authors of the 5 selected abstracts are requested to submit a full-length paper prepared according to the guidelines of Clinical Biomechanics. The paper must be entirely original, not published at the time of the ISB-congress nor submitted for publication in any book or journal other than Clinical Biomechanics. A jury will evaluate the full papers and select the winning paper. The first author of the winning paper is expected to provide a presentation on the topic of the paper at the congress. Please note: ISB has a policy that an abstract or manuscript submitted for an ISB conference award is non-identical to an abstract submitted elsewhere.


Winners of the ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award:
2023 Francesco Cenni Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle and Achilles Tendon Interplay during Gait in Cerebral Palsy
2021 Barbara Postolka (Switzerland) Tibio-femoral kinematics of natural versus replaced knees - A comparison using dynamic videofluoroscopy
2019 Stephan Bodkin (USA) Knee Extensor Fatigue Resistance in Individuals Following ACL-Reconstruction
2017 Kenton Kaufman (USA) Kaufman K.R. et. al: Functional Assessment and Satisfaction of Transfemoral Amputees with Low Mobility (FASTK2): A Clinical Trial of MPK vs. NMPK Knees. View paper.
2015 Andrew Tan (USA) Tan A. et. al: Cortical Modulation of TMS included across joint kinetic synergies in the post stroke lower limb

Sorin Siegler (USA)

Siegler S., et al. New observations on the morphology of the talar dome and its relationship to ankle kinematics, Clinical Biomechanics, 2014, 29(1), 1-6, View Paper
2011 Frances Sheehan (USA) Sheehan F.T. et al, Alterations in in vivo knee joint kinematics following a femoral nerve branch block of the vastus medialis: Implications for patellofemoral pain syndrome, Clinical Biomechanics, 2012, 27(6), 525-531. View Paper
2009 Karen Mickle (Australia) Mickle K et al Toe weakness and deformity increases the risk of falls in older people. Clinical Biomechanics, 2009, 24(10): p. 787-91. View Paper
2007 Diana Glaser (Germany) Glaser, D., et al. In vivo comparison of hip mechanics for minimally invasive versus traditional total hip arthroplasty,  Clinical Biomechanics, 2008, 23(2): p.127-134. View Paper
2005 Magnus Kjartan Gislason (UK) Gislason, M.K. et al. The three dimensional load tranfer characteristics of the wrist during maximal gripping.
2003 Behnam Heidari (Ireland) Heidari, B., et al., Modelling of annulus fibrosus imbalance as an aetiological factor in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Clinical Biomechanics, 2004. 19(3): p. 217-224.  View paper.
2001 Bert Van Rietbergen (The Netherlands) van Rietbergen, B., et al., High-resolution MRI and micro-FE for the evaluation of changes in bone mechanical properties during longitudinal clinical trials: application to calcaneal bone in postmenopausal women after one year of idoxifene treatment. Clinical Biomechanics, 2002. 17(2): p. 81-88. View paper.
1999 Michael Torry (USA) Torry, M.R., et al., Intra-articular knee joint effusion induces quadriceps avoidance gait patterns. Clinical Biomechanics, 2000. 15(3): p. 147-159. View paper.
1997 Bob Norman (Canada) Norman, R., et al., A comparison of peak vs cumulative physical work exposure risk factors for the reporting of low back pain in the automotive industry. Clinical Biomechanics, 1998. 13(8): p. 561-573. View paper.
1995 Gerald Cole (Canada) Cole, G., et al., Lower extremity joint loading during impact in running. Clinical Biomechanics, 1996. 11(4): p. 181-193. View paper.
1993 M. Adams Adams, M.A., et al., The clinical biomechanics award paper 1993 Posture and the compressive strength of the lumbar spine. Clinical Biomechanics, 1994. 9(1): p. 5-14. View paper.
1991 Peter J. McNair (New Zealand) McNair, P.J., G.A. Wood, and R.N. Marshall, Stiffness of the hamstring muscles and its relationship to function in anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals. Clinical Biomechanics, 1992. 7(3): p. 131-137. View paper.
1989 Michael Morlock (Canada) Morlock, M. and B.M. Nigg, Theoretical considerations and practical results on the influence of the representation of the foot for the estimation of internal forces with models. Clinical Biomechanics, 1991. 6(1): p. 3-13. View paper.

job-150x200Sponsored by
Journal of Biomechanics
and Organizers of the ISB Congress

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These awards are presented in honor of Professor David Winter and his pioneering contribution to the science and application of biomechanics. There are two DWYI awards, one for the best oral presentation (sponsored by the Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier Science Ltd) and one for the best poster presentation (Sponsored by the organizers of the previous ISB Congress). The award recipients are offered a certificate, a monetary award of $750 USD and free ISB membership for 2 years.

Requirements: Candidates must be the first author of an abstract submitted to the ISB congress for presentation. They should not have been awarded a PhD by the time of the abstract submission and must have made the major contribution to the research presented in the abstract. If selected for the final round, the candidate must personally present the paper (whether oral or poster) at the ISB-congress. The abstracts for this competition are solicited with the call for papers of the ISB Congress. Please note: ISB has a policy that an abstract submitted for an ISB conference award is non-identical to an abstract submitted elsewhere.


Past winners of the ISB Young Investigator Awards:
YearOral presentationPoster Presentation
2023 Quinn Yetman (Canada) Kavya Katugam-Dechene (USA)
2021 Arnault Caillet (UK)  Linus Awuniji (Finland)
2019 Antoine Falisse (Belgium) Baaba Otoo (Canada)
2017 Jack Martin (USA) Erik Lamers (USA)
2015 Kelly A. Larkin-Kaiser (Canada) Robert Eberle (Austria)
2013 Eng Kuan Moo (Canada) Brandon Hisey (Canada)
2011 Cameron Brown (UK) Mathieu Davis (USA)
2009 Sandra Jasinoski (South Africa) Renate List (Switzerland)
2007  Veerle Segers (Belgium) Philippe Malcolm (Belgium)
2005 Emma A. C. Johnson (UK) Veronica J. Santos (USA)
2003 Jeremy LaMothe (Canada) Keith Gordon (USA)
2001 Steven Boyd (Canada) Paul Hodges (Australia)
1999 Frances Sheehan Daniel Lambertz
1997 Kenneth Meijer (The Netherlands) M. K. Rand .(USA)
1995 Mellick J Chehade (Australia) NA
1993 Caroline Nicol Felix Eckstein
1991 Arthur D. Kuo (USA) Timothy J. Koh (USA)
1989 Oliver Mills Cheryl Johnson
1987 NA NA
1985 NA NA
1983 M.R. (Fred) Yeadon (United Kingdom) NA

vicon-2014-266x95This award is sponsored by Vicon

The Muybridge award is the most prestigious award of the Society. It is awarded for career achievements in biomechanics. The award is named after Eadward Muybridge (1830-1904), who was the first to use cinematography for the study of human and animal movement.


Irene Davis (USA)

Born to Move: Embracing our Evolutionary Legacy


Scott Delp (USA)

 How Muybridge predicted the future of biomechanics and what the 21st century holds 


Ralph Müller (Switzerland)

From mechanics to mechanomics: a journey through bone
2017 Walter Herzog (Canada)

Kai-Nan An (USA)

Biomechanics of Upper Extremities
2013 Benno Nigg (Canada)

From Biomechanik to Biomechanics to Biomechanigg

2011 Roger Enoka (USA)

Muscle fatigue – from motor units to clinical symptoms.

2009 Mimi Koehl (USA) Effects of ambient wind or water flow on locomotion. See the lecture here.
2007 Peter Huijing (Netherlands) Epimuscular myofascial force transmission: a historical review and implications for new research.
2005 Rik Huiskes (Netherlands) Bone: The Engineer's Ultimate Dream Material
2003 Tetsuo Fukunaga (Japan) Effects of elastic properties of muscle-tendon complex on sports performances.
2001 David Winter (Canada) Gait and balance - from the micro to the macro.
1999 Paavo Komi (Finland) Stretch-shortening cycle: a powerful model to study normal and fatigued muscle. J Biomech 33:1197-1206, 2000
1997 John Paul (UK) Strength requirements for internal and external prostheses. J Biomech 32:381-393, 1999
1995 Savio L-Y. Woo (USA) Biomechanics of knee ligament healing, repair and reconstruction. J Biomech 30:431-439, 1997
1993 Malcolm H. Pope (USA) Spinal biomechanics (not published)
1991 R. McNeil Alexander (UK) Optimization of structure and movement of the legs of animals. J Biomech 26 Suppl 1:1-6, 1993
1989 Gunnar Andersson (USA) Spine biomechanics (not published)
1987 Peter R. Cavanagh (USA) Studies in the biomechanics of distance running and plantar pressure distribution. Biomechanics XI-A (Eds: G. de Groot, A.P. Hollander, P.A. Huijing, G.J. van Ingen Schenau), pp. 3-14, Amsterdam, 1988.