Matlab MEX interface for GCVSPL
Woltring's Generalized Cross-Variance (GCV) natural B-spline filter
The original FORTRAN programs (gcvspl.f
and splder.f) were converted to C by Dwight Meglan. ChunXiang Tian converted
the C routines to a MATLAB 4.2 mex file (7/4/96). These files were updated
by David Carta (3/7/97). I have re-written the mex files from scratch for
use with MATLAB 5.1 based on Dwight Meglan's C routines (gcvspl.c and splder.c).
Tony Reina
The Neurosciences Institute
San Diego, CA
NOTE: These programs are intended for freeware distribution. No warranty
or support is offered with the use of this product. By using the software,
the user agrees not to hold the author or The Neurociences Institute responsible
for bugs, problems, or inaccurate results in conjuntion with the use of
this product.
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