International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Final Report – XVIIth ISB Congress
August 8-16, 1999
By Witaya Mathiyakom

I would like to thank the ISB committee for awarding me the travel grant award to the XVIIth ISB Congress in Calgary, Canada. With this award, I was able to attend the XVIIth ISB Congress, the IIth Congress of International Shoulder Group and two tutorials. The experience I had during the congress was valuable.

At the XVIIth ISB Congress, presented my research entitled "Joint kinetics differences during the inward and reverse diving takeoffs." In addition, I was also a co-author of the research entitled "Load distribution modification in two multijoint tasks with different mechanical objectives." During the preparation of the presentation, I learned to organize summarize, and simplify the knowledge I gained from the research into a format that could be easily understood. During the presentation, I learned to interact with the audience to make sure that they were able to follow my presentation. Although I prepared the script for my presentation, I did not totally use it during my presentation. I found myself talking to the audience as I was taking them through the results and discussion of my research. After the presentation, I was asked several questions regarding my research and related research. All the questions made me think in a deeper and boarder sense about my research and its implication.

There were so many interesting lectures, keynote presentations, and podium and poster presentations. I learned and gained so much information from all the presentations as well as from a direct interaction with the speakers. The most interesting experience I had was a blue-box lunch with Dr. Huxley. I was intrigued by his ability to integrate all the information while isolating specific important issues of the research in muscle physiology and related area. Although my area of interest is not muscle physiology, the concept of how to develop a quality research based upon a thorough understanding of the body of knowledge, which I have learned to appreciate during the blue-box lunch with Dr. Huxley, is very important and applicable to all research. As a student, who is in the process of developing his career in research, I would like to thank the ISB committee for providing me this great opportunity to interact with one of many great researchers in Biomechanics.

It was a good opportunity for me to attend the IIth Congress of the International Shoulder Group. The congress was very informative and intimate. Although there were not so many people attending this congress, all of the attendees had a genuine interest in the conference. At this congress, I had more opportunity to personally interact with the experts in the area of shoulder biomechanics. I was able to exchange my clinical experience and knowledge with other researchers as well. I also attended two tutorials, namely: basic biomechanics of the knee and muscle physiology. The contents of both tutorials provided a good basic knowledge in both areas. The speakers organized the presentation well.

Once again, I would like to thank the ISB committee for awarding me the travel grant. I also would like to thank participants of the ISB Congress. I really learned so much from you all. Finally, I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Jill McNitt-Gray and my colleagues at the Biomechanics Research Laboratory, USC, for encouraging me all along my learning process.